dhe.goa.gov.in 2016 Scheme For Awarding Meritorious Teachers : Directorate of Higher Education

Organization : Directorate of Higher Education
Scheme Name : Scheme For Awarding Meritorious Teachers 2016
Applicable For : Teachers & Principals
Applicable States/UTs : Goa
Application Last Date : 30th August, 2016.

Website : https://dhe.goa.gov.in/#gsc.tab=0
Application Form : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/10174-Scheme.pdf

Scheme For Awarding Meritorious Teachers :

There are about one thousand five hundred teachers in the various General Degree Colleges of Goa including those in Goa University who are providing their valuable services to enrich Higher Education sector in Goa

Related / Similar Scholarship :
DHE Manohar Parrikar Goa Scholars Scheme 2018-21

The following shall be eligibility criterion for being State Awardees:
(1) Only those teachers and Principals who are in service and within the age group of 45 to 55 years on the date of application shall be eligible to apply for State Award. Such of the teachers and Principals should have possessed essential qualifications as required under UGC norms at the time of their appointment.
(2) The applicant should be full time regular faculty in Goa University/affiliated Colleges who are confirmed in service.
(3) The applicant should be an outstanding teacher having significant academic contribution. He/she should have been instrumental in uplifting his/her own institution.

(4) Irrespective of the number of years of service, Permanent Full Time Regular Teachers should have a very good API score.

Teachers should have :
(i) A minimum API score of : 100 points in Category I;
(ii) A minimum API score 30 points in Category II and
(iii) A minimum API of 400 points in Category III, as prescribed in UGC Notification of 2010.

Everything being equal, preference should given to those having maximum points subject to Heads of Institution making a fair assessment of the Teachers.

No. of Awards:
Every year two most meritorious College/University teachers shall be bestowed with the State Award. The award shall consist of Rs.25,000/- in cash and a citation. The selected teachers shall be entitled for extension of 1 year in service. The awardees shall be felicitated on the teacher’s day every year.

Application Procedure:
1. The Applications for State Award shall be submitted in the prescribed format as placed at Annexure A.
2. The Applicant should fill in part ‘A’ of the format and submit the same to the Head of the respective institution who in turn shall fill in part ‘B’ of the format and submit the same to the Director of Higher Education who in turn shall place the same before the Selection Committee.
3. Proposals should compulsorily be submitted through the Head of the Institution to Directorate of Higher Education. Proposals submitted directly shall not be entertained.

Schedule of Selection Process:
** Duly filled in application forms shall be submitted to Directorate of Higher Education every year latest by 15th July every year.
** However, the last date for applications for current year shall be 30th August, 2016.

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