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ALLEN Digital Scholarship Admission Test ADSAT 2024

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Organisation : ALLEN Career Institute Pvt Ltd
Scholarship Name : ALLEN Digital Scholarship Admission Test (ADSAT) 2024
Applicable For : Class 5th to 11th Students
Exam Date : Sunday, 10th March 2024
Last Date : 2 days before the exam date
Website :

What is ALLEN Digital Scholarship Admission Test?

ADSAT (ALLEN Digital Scholarship Admission Test) is an opportunity to secure scholarships of up to 90% on ALLEN Online Programs. The test has no registration fee. If you’re interested in Offline courses, kindly visit your nearest ALLEN center to take the test. Students studying in class 5th upto 11th in 2023-24 are eligible to participate in ADSAT 2024. The exam for March will be conducted on 10th March 2024. The registration form will be available till 2 days before the exam date.

Related / Similar Scholarship : ALLEN Online Scholarship Test (AOSAT) 2025

Who can Appear for ADSAT?

Students studying in class 5th upto 11th in 2023-24 are eligible to participate in ADSAT 2024. Students can utilise the scholarships to enrol in online programs for class 6th upto 12th respectively for the academic year 2024-25.

FAQ on ALLEN Digital Scholarship Admission Test

Frequently Asked Questionson ALLEN Digital Scholarship Admission Test
What is the ADSAT exam date and timing?
The exam for March will be conducted on 10th March. Details about the March exam will be updated shortly.
** For Class 10, the exam timing is 9am to 11am.
** For Classes 6 and 9, n the exam timing is 12 pm to 2pm.
**For Classes 7,8 and 11, the exam timing is 3pm to 5pm.

What is the ADSAT exam pattern?

The exam duration will be 2 hrs. It consists of multiple choice questions as per Topic-wise syllabus available on the website.

What is the last date for registration?

The registration form will be available till 2 days before the exam date.

What is a proctored exam?

Proctored exams are timed exams that you take while proctoring software monitors camera video and audio. The data recorded by the proctoring software is transferred to a proctoring service for review, and a trust score is generated.

What is a trustscore?

Trust Scores is a mechanism to enforce test integrity and is a good indicator of the test credibility for users taking the Proctored online exam. The student’s behavior and movements during the online proctored test are recorded and evaluated by software. Students start off their tests with a trust score of 100%, which is progressively reduced with every non-compliant behavior. Trust score will be an important decision parameter for online exams – Lower trust score may impact the scholarship despite great test scores.

What is the test taking process?

Students will have to click on the exam link which will be shared via SMS on the day of the exam. It is advised to log in 30 minutes before the test start time. To participate in the exam, students require a mobile, tablet, or computer with a reliable internet connection and a functional camera. The login details will be as follows :
Username: Phone number with which the student has registered for ADSAT
Password: DOB

When will the results be published?

The results will be published within a week of the exam. SMS communication will be sent for the same. Students should download this app – to see their scholarship results.

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Important Instructions of ADSAT

A. Mandatory for the student to ensure the following for taking the test:
1. Keep your camera switched on at all times while you take the test. Failing to keep the camera on will lead to disqualification
2. Face the camera while taking the exam and ensure your front profile, up till your shoulder at least is visible. The background should be plain with no photo frames or designs.
3. Ensure your microphone is on and there is no disturbance in the surrounding and you’re sitting in a quiet room
4. Other than one blank sheet of paper and a pen, there should not be any book or stationery in the area where exam is being attempted

B. Ensure the following for a smooth exam taking experience :
1. You have good internet speed- 521 kbps at least for a smooth network. In case of internet issues, the timer will not be paused. ADSAT is not responsible for any such issues.
2. Keep your device connected and ensure there is enough charge
3. Incase of a power outage, ensure the internet and device can still operate and not disconnect from the exam taking experience

C. You can be disqualified if :
1. Your microphone or camera is switched off
2. The candidate appearing for the exam is not the same as the one registered
3. Other than the candidate there are other people in the vicinity.
4. There is excessive background noise
5. Student tries to connect a pen-drive or similar devices while taking the exam
6. Student tries to browse other site or uses other devices

D. General Instructions :
1. Join the test link 30 mins prior to the exam time to avoid any technical issues and to read the instructions. Test link will be shared via Email and SMS.
2. Remember to submit the test at the end of the exam.
3. The test will be conducted in proctored mode. Ensure that all the above rules are strictly followed.

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