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All posts from NMMSS 2023-24 National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme Examination

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Organisation : Directorate of Government Examinations (Telangana)
Scholarship Name : National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme (NMMSS) Examination 2023-24
Applicable For :  Students studying class VIII
Applicable State/ UT : Telangana
Last Date : 16th October 2023
Website :

What is National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme?

The Ministry for Human Resource Development, Government of India has launched centrally sponsored National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme (N.M.M.S.S). Under this scheme an examination will be conducted every year for the students studying class VIII in Government/ Local Body/Municipal/Aided Schools/ Modal schools which have no residential facility(i.e. from non-Residential Schools only) and selected candidates are eligible for getting the scholarship. Last Date of for application submission is 16th October 2023.

Related / Similar Scholarship : DSEL National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship 2023-24

Eligibility of National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship

A candidate who has/is
** Scored at least 55% of marks, in case of SC/ST 50% of marks or equivalent grade for all categories in class VII Examination studied during the year 2022-23.
** Studying in ZP//Local Body/ Government /Government aided schools Model Schools which have no residential facility only can apply. Candidates from Model Schools who have residential facility are not eligible for applying of NMMSSE. Head Masters concerned will be held responsible in thismatter.
** The candidates whose parental annual income (both Parents put together) is below Rs.3,50,000/ from all sources have to produce latest original Annual Income Certificate issued by the Mandal Revenue Officer, Telangana in case of Private employee and certificate issued by the employer in case of Government employee.
** The students studying in Telangana Residential High Schools, Telangana Social Welfare Residential Schools, Telangana Tribal Welfare Residential High Schools, Telangana Minority Residential Schools, Government Ashram High Schools and Kasturba Residential Schools, Model schools with residential facility, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas, Kendriya Vidyalayas, Private unaided Schools including sainik schools and other Government schools which have residential facility are not eligible to appear for this Examination.
** Original VIl class Pass Memo of Marks of the candidate should be Submitted.

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How to Apply for NMMSS?

i) Go the official website
ii) Please enter your School DISECode as id and password. to login

Examination Fee of NMMSS

Examination fee is Rs.100/- for OC/BC students & Rs. 50/- for SC/ST/PH students The examination fee has to be paid through the system of SBI Collect which is connected with the link of online application.

Examination fee has to be remitted online through the system of SBI Collect which is available in SBI Official website i.e. The Headmaster can collect the fee from all the students of his/her school (from the eligible candidates those who desire to appear) and remit through the said procedure consolidatedly. In such cases a list of the candidates with Caste and amount is to be enclosed along with the Nominal Rolls.

Pattern of NMMSS Examination

Pattern of Examination is as follows:
Mental Ability Test (M.A.T) – 90 marks multiple choice questions.Scholastic Ability Test.(S.A.T) – 90 marks covering sciences, mathematics and social sciences of class VII & VIII. Each question carries one mark.Time is one minute for one question.

Qualifying percentage is as follows:
The minimum qualifying marks for each paper will be 40% and in case of SC/ST students this cut off will be 32%.
Selection will be made as per the merit subject to district wise and community wise quota allotted as per norms issued by MHRD New Delhi.
The selected beneficiaries should register and up load their Aadhar linked bank account particulars in National Scholarship Portal in stipulated time by opening the bank accounts in any nationalized bank which have online clearing system only to get scholarship Rs 12000 per year.

Important Dates of NMMSS

a) Last date for registration of Applications online and remittance of Examination fee online. 13-10-2023
b) Last date for submission of printed copy of online registered Application Forms and NR (two copies) and fee receipts of SBI collect by the Head Masters of the schools concerned in the office of concerned District Educational Officer. (Printed Application form & NR must be attested by concerned Head Master.)(Attested copy of caste certificate for BC/SC/ST and medical certificate for PH should be enclosed. Otherwise they will be treated as General candidates. Income certificate should be enclosed for all candidates. Otherwise application will be cancelled/rejected). 16-10-2023
c) Last date for submission of Printed Nominal Rolls attested by concerned Head Masters, and fee receipts of SBI collect by the concerned DEOs to the O/o the Director of Government Examinations., T.S., Hyderabad. 18-10-2023

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