CSIR Symposia Grant Scheme 2019 : csirhrdg.res.in

Organisation : Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
Fellowship Name : Symposia Grant Scheme 2019
Applicable For : Faculty or Scientists working in Government Institutions
Applicable State/UTs : All India
Website : http://www.csirhrdg.res.in/

CSIR Symposia Grant Scheme

Council of Scientific & Industrial Research invites applications for Symposia Grant Scheme 2019.

Related :
CSIR Travel Grant Scheme 2019 : www.scholarships.net.in/35869.html

CSIR Partial Financial Assistance PFA Scheme 2019 : www.scholarships.net.in/35880.html


Under the Scheme, financial assistance is provided to Universities, Academic institutions, Colleges, Government Departments, registered societies to organise scientific events such as Symposia/ Seminars/ Conferences/ Workshops or any other similar scientific activity that provides platform/forum to professionals, scientists, research and educational institutions to share knowledge and experience in various fields of Science and Technology.

The Scheme provides partial support towards expenses related to organising Scientific events such as Travel support, Registration Fee Waiver, Promotion (web site, brochures, proceedings), Secretarial assistance, Local hospitality, Venue charges.

Symposia Grant Eligibility

i. Faculty or scientists working in Government of India recognized institutions in the area of scientific education or research (recognition should be by statutory bodies for scientific or technical fields such as UGC, DSIR, MCI or AICTE, etc.).

ii. Any Registered All India Society/Association/Voluntary/Professional organisation/Trust with proven credentials and experience and registered under Societies Registration/Other relevant Act having a minimum 3 years of audited accounts.

iii. No application will be considered if there are reports or Utilization Certificates pending for prior grants given to the Grantee organization or if it is blacklisted by any Government agency.

iv. Government Department/Undertaking.
v. The organizers should have in house expertise in the subject field of the event proposed

Symposia Grant Application Procedure

Just follow the below steps to apply for the Symposia Grant Scheme 2019

Steps :
Step 1 : Visit the official website of CSIR through provided above.
Step 2 : Then download the application form from the official website or you can directly download it from below mentioned link.

Download Application Form :

Step 3 : Fill the application form with the required details and upload the necessary documents
Step 4 : The completed application is to be handed over to the office of the concerned Head of the Department.

Note :
Incomplete applications will be rejected without notice to the applicant.

Documents To Be Submitted

Pre-Sanction Stage

Application form must reach TGSM Unit of CSIR-HRDG at least 2 months in advance but not more than 4 months in advance. Late / Incomplete application form may not be considered.

The following documents will be required to be submitted :
i. Summary Sheet (Form-CSIR/SYM/19/SUM) and Main Application form (Form-CSIR/SYM/19/MAIN), placed at Annexure 1 and 2 respectively, complete in all respects to be signed and sealed by the duly authorised signatories and forwarded through proper channel.

ii. In case of International Conference, copies of the approval from Administrative Ministry and statutory clearances applicable, if any.
iii. Copy of Brochure/Announcement of the Scientific event,

iv. A copy of letter regarding commitment from any other national or international agency, for any financial assistance, if any.
v. Approval/ Forwarding letter from the Head of the Organisation/ Department for holding the Event.

For Reimbursement

The amount sanctioned by CSIR, subject to actual, will be reimbursed to the institute’s account, post submission of the following documents in DUPLICATE (Original plus one photocopy)

i. Grant-in-Aid Bill (Form-CSIR/SYM/19/GA) placed at Annexure 3.
ii. Audited statement of Expenditure (Form CSIR/SYM/19/SE) placed at Annexure 4.
iii. Soft copy of the Proceedings.

iv. NEFT form (Duly verified Bank details of your organisation (Name as per bank records. bank name, branch name and address, account no, nature of account, IFSC code and MICR Code) may please be attached) (Form-CSIR/SYM/19/NEFT) placed at Annexure 5.

Declaration Of Results

CSIR shall notify the result on its website (www.csirhrdg.res.in/results.htm) and also send the sanction letter to the selected candidates at the Communication address specified in the application form.

In the event, the candidate does not receive sanction letter within 10 days of declaration of results, s/he may write to tgsm[at]csirhrdg[dot]res[dot]in requesting for a copy of sanction letter.

Contact Us :
All communication may be addressed to –
In-charge, Symposia and Travel Grant Unit,
CSIR Human Resource Development Group,
Room 302, CSIR Complex, (Opposite Institute of Hotel Management),
Library Avenue, Pusa,
New Delhi – 110012, India
Email : tgsm[at]csirhrdg[dot]res[dot]in

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