dbtindia.nic.in Biotechnology Social Development Award 2018

Organization : Department of Biotechnology
Scholarship/Award Name : Biotechnology Social Development Award 2018
Applicable For : Extension Scientist/ Teacher
Applicable State/UTs : All Over India
Application Last Date : 20.02.2018
Website : https://dbtindia.gov.in/

DBT Biotechnology Social Development Award

Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India invites application for Biotechnology Social Development Award-2018

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Nature Of The Award

Biotechnology Social Development Award is given to and Individual/Social Organization, (NGOs, Trusts etc.) who has contributed significantly towards social development of the community as the case may be.

Number of Awards

Three awards are given annually in two categories
(i) Individual category (02),
(ii) Organization (01).

Note : Each award will carry a cash prize of Rs. 5.00 Lakhs alongwith a citation and a trophy.

Who Is Eligible?

The applicant must be a citizen of India and can be an individual/ extension scientist/ teacher/ NGO/ social organization having done outstanding work towards societal development through biotechnological interventions. Scientists/ teachers engaged in DBT funded projects are also eligible to apply for the award.

How to Apply?

Application forms and other detailed information including eligibility criteria are available on the DBT website. Just follow the below steps to apply for the Biotechnology Social Development Award 2018.

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of Department of Biotechnology provided above.
Step 2 : Then download the application form from the official website or you can directly download it from below mentioned link

Download Application Form :

Step 3 : Five hard copies of complete application in the prescribed format with required documents may be sent to the following address, both as a hard copy as well as Soft copy (as a single PDF file only).

Dr. Shahaj Uddin Ahmed, Scientist ‘E’,
Department of Biotechnology,
Block-3, Room No. 521,
CGO Complex, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi- 110003.

Step 4 : A soft copy should be e-mailed to shahaj.ahmed [AT] nic.in with a copy to ayushi.garg [AT] dbt.nic.in

Application Format

Application must be accompanied by following details alongwith the detailed bio-data of individual/ social organization (five hard copies)

i. Name & address of the Applicant (Individual/Social Organization)
ii. Area of work
iii. Significant contributions made by the applicant for socio-economic development (Individual/ Social Organization)

iv. Measurable impact/ contribution to the society (number of beneficiaries trained/number of entrepreneurs developed/micro-enterprises established, reduced drudgery, reduced incidence of diseases in community/ livestock population/ improved overall health status and awareness about various human diseases etc)

v. Details of viable economic/social model developed for multiplier impact
vi. Details of Awards received by the Applicant (if any)
vii. Publications based on the project work (Research/Extension methodology/ Dissemination of knowledge etc.)
viii. Applicant’s Declaration (Strike off whichever is not applicable)

ix. Recommendation and forwarding from the employer for consideration of the application (In case of individual) (This should be given on the official letter-head of the parent institution/organization in the following format)

Mode Of Selection

Department will advertise the Award annually on its website (www.dbtindia.nic.in), National Newspapers and Scientific Journals. The awardees will be selected by expert committee duly constituted by the department.


1. Please read Award Guidelines carefully before filling the application form.
2. The application should be submitted in the prescribed format only.
3. Application should not be more than 20 pages including CVs/background of the organization.
4. Separate sheets may be enclosed wherever necessary.

5. NGOs are required to submit the following documents along with the application
a. Last 5 years Audited Expenditure Statement
b. Last 5 years Annual Report
c. Copy of Society Registration Certificate/Registration renewal, UID of DARPAN Portal of NITI Aayog

6. Incomplete applications and submission of the application after the last date are liable to be rejected and no communication will be entertained in such cases.

Last Date

Last date to submit the application form for Biotechnology Social Development Award 2018 is 20/02/2019.

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