dhse.kerala.gov.in Merit cum Means Scholarship For BPL Students 2019-20

Organisation : Kerala Directorate of Higher Secondary Education
Scholarship Name : Merit cum Means Scholarship For BPL Students 2019-20
Applicable For : Government and Aided Higher Secondary Schools Students
Applicable State : Kerala
Website/Apply Online : http://www.scholarship.dhse.kerala.gov.in/

DHSE Kerala Merit cum Means Scholarship

Kerala Directorate of Higher Secondary Education invites applications for Merit cum Means Scholarship For BPL Students for the year 2019-20. The amount of scholarship was fixed at Rs. 5000/-

Related / Similar Scholarship : DHSE Kerala MCM Scholarship 2020-21

MCM Scholarship Eligibility

** The students of the Government and Aided Higher Secondary schools only are eligible for the BPL scholarship.

** Those students whose parents or guardians come under the BPL category and who have secured higher grades in their SSLC/any other equivalent examination are eligible to be selected for the scholarship.

** The candidates who are eligible for the scholarship in the first year will be eligible for the same in the second year also provided he/she shall obtain D+ or above in the annual examination at least through two chances and whose percentage of attendance shall be at least 70%.

MCM Application Procedure

Visit the official website of BPL Scholarship through provided above.

In the home page, The Login section consists of the different types of login such as School Login, Department login and the District Panchayath Login.

2nd Year Renewal Entry provision Instruction :

School Login :
The User Name & the password of the Scholarship School Admin User is same as the User Name & the password of the hsCAP School site Admin User.

The Scholarship School Admin home page consists of the following links,
** Scholarship Count
** Scholarship Application Entry
** List of Entered Applications
** Data Entry Confirmation
** List of Selected Applicants

Scholarship Count :
The Scholarship count page consists of the total number of First Year Scholarships of that particular School.

Scholarship Application Entry :
** The Scholarship Application Entry page is used to enter the details of the students who applied for the Scholarship.

** The Scholarship Application Entry page consists of several sections such as Student basic details, Student Grade details, Student Adress, Student Bank details, Students parent working details & other details.

** Fill the application form with the necessary details. After entering these details press the “Submit” Button. After finishing the correction, submit the page & press the Confirm button in the Scholarship View page.

List of Entered Application :
The List of Entered Application consists of the details of the Students Entered for the BPL Scholarship in the particular School.

Scholarship Entry User Manual :

Selection Procedure

i. The eligible candidates belonging to the general category shall be selected by the Selection Committee at the school level.

ii. The selection of eligible candidates belonging to the SC/ST communities shall be done by the district level Review Committee from among the list of candidates selected by School Level Selection Committee.

iii. The number of scholarships allotted to each district shall be intimated to the Review Committee by the Directors concerned.

iv. The candidates coming under the sports, arts and differently abled categories shall be selected by the Director from among the list forwarded by the school level selection committee

Notification :


The following guidelines are issued for the selection of the eligible applicants
** The weightage of Grade Point Average (WGPA), without bonus points, of the SSLC/equivalent exam calculated at the time of admission to the first year course (Std. XI) is the criterion for deciding merit.

** If two or more candidates belonging to the BPL category have equal WGPA, the following additional criteria shall also be followed in the order of priority

i. Students whose parents are no more.
ii. Children of unwedded mothers.
iii. Candidates whose mother is a widow or legally separated or divorced or unwedded mothers.
iv. Students whose father alone is alive.

v. Candidates whose parents suffer from incurable disease like cancer, heart ailments, leprosy. TB, AIDS, Kidney ailments, stroke related paralysis, and lunacy.
vi. Children of differently abled parents.

vii. Either father or the mother engaged in any traditional industries like coir, cashew, beedi, handloom, pottery, brick or tile making industries, Match industries, etc.
viii. Parents having no land or house of his/her own.

** The community status of Candidates belonging to SC/ST will be decided based on school records.
** Those who have scored A grade in the state school youth festival will be considered for that category.

** In the school level also, if eligible candidates are not available, the remaining scholarship will be passed over to the SC/ST pool in the same District

** The candidates who belong to the differently abled category shall produce the certificate from the competent medical board to the effect that they have at least 40% disability

Categories Kerala

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