Udacity KPIT Autonomous Tech Scholarship 2018

Organisation : UDACITY & KPIT
Scholarship Name : Udacity KPIT Autonomous Tech Scholarship 2018
Applicable For : Open to All
Application Last Date : December 27, 2018
Website : https://www.udacity.com/

Udacity KPIT Autonomous Tech Scholarship

Together with Udacity, KPIT is investing in a scholarship program that will enable students in India to acquire cutting-edge skills in Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree, the best autonomous system course in the world.

Related : Toptal Scholarship For Women 2018-19 : www.scholarships.net.in/31049.html

Who Can Apply?

** The opportunity is open to anyone who is resident of India and 18 years of age or older, and eager to expand their Self-Driving Car skills.

** Applicants should possesses intermediate knowledge of Python/C++ and should be familiar with Basic Linear Algebra, Basic Calculus, Basic Statistics and Basic Physics.

** Applicants should be prepared to commit approximately 10-12 hours of study per week during Term 1.

How to Apply?

Just follow the below steps to apply for the Udacity KPIT Autonomous Tech Scholarship 2018.

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website provided above.
Step 2 : Read the instructions carefully before applying.
Step 3 : Then Click on the “Apply Now” button in the home page.

Step 4 : Create your student account by entering your Name, Email Id & Password
Step 5 : After register your account, Fill the application form with the required details and click on Submit button.

How it Works?

The scholarship program is structured in two phases

Phase 1

Challenge Course – You have to take up the challenge of completing the Term 1 of Udacity’s “Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree” in 2 months.

Program participants will receive support from community managers throughout their learning experience in this course and will be part of a dynamic student community and network of scholars

Your progress will be tracked as per study plan that will be shared with you on your selection. If your weekly progress is not in-line with the study plan, your access to Term 1 may be revoked and your seat may be given to some other candidate

Phase 2

Evaluation of Term 1 Performance. All application who successfully complete Term 1 in two months get to interview with KPIT.

If you’re successful in the job interview, you’ll be given an offer by KPIT. Your International job offer is subject to visa requirements and is it responsibility of KPIT.

Udacity shall not be held responsible for any changes or rescinding of the job offer by KPIT. You will be enrolled into term 2 of Self-Driving Car Nanodegree upon joining KPIT.

Important Dates

** Applications Start – December 14, 2018 (2:00pm)
** Applications Due – December 27, 2018 (11:59pm)
** Recipients Notified – January 1-5, 2019
** Recipients Start Program – To be announced

*Dates are subject to change depending upon number of applications received. Apply Now to ensure your application is with us at the earliest

Selection Criteria

Udacity will evaluate applications with a view to selecting recipients who possess

1. Diversity of perspective and experience
2. Goal orientation, and the desire to make an impact
3. Demonstrated determination and grit
4. Willingness to dedicate sufficient time to their studies

5. Prerequisite knowledge of the following Skill-set
** Intermediate Python (Classes, Data structures)
** Intermediate C++ (Classes, Memory management, Linking)
** Basic Linear Algebra (Matrices, Vectors, Matrix multiplication)
** Basic Calculus (Derivatives, Integrals)
** Basic Statistics (Mean, Standard deviation, Gaussian distribution)
** Basic Physics (Forces)


1. Where does the program take place?
The program takes place 100% online. Students can work from wherever they want to, as long as they have a working internet connection.

2. Is the curriculum taught in English?
Yes, the program language for both the Challenge Course and the Udacity Nanodegree program is English.

3. Who can be contacted in case of questions?
For general questions about the scholarship program and for user support (e.g. application process, timeline), please contact the Scholarships team.

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