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Organisation : Rajasthan Social Justice and Empowerment Department
Serive Name : SJE AppStatus Rajasthan Scholarship Application Status
Applicable For : Students who applied for scholarship through SJE
Website :

SJE AppStatus Rajasthan

Social Justice and Empowerment Department, Rajasthan introducing a new mobile app ‘Appstatus Rajasthan” to track the application status of SJE Scholarship.

Related / Similar Post :
SJE Check Scholarship Application Status

Application Status Rajasthan enables quick and instant status of application. Citizen can check the status of their application anytime, anywhere.

How To Check Status On Mobile?

For checking status of application install following app over your mobile “Google Play Store -> “Appstatus Rajasthan.

Just follow the simple steps to know your application status.

Step-1 : Open the Google Play Store app (or) you can also go to

Step-2 : Type ‘AppStatus Rajasthan’ in the search box.

Step-3 : Then select the app ‘AppStatus Rajasthan’.

Step-4 : Click on the ‘install’ button.

Step-5 : After installation, go to the ‘Application Status’ tab.

Step-6 : Select the “Social Justice & Empowerment Department” from the drop down list.

Step-7 : Then select the service/facility named as ‘Scholarship Application Status’.

Step-8 : Select the academic year and

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Step-9 : Enter your Application Number in the space provided and then click on the ‘Submit’ button to retrieve the status.

Step-10 : You will get the status in the following format.

Status Meaning

Different types of status show different meaning.:
1. Profile created:- Student has created his / her profile but not submit the form.
2. Pending at institute: Student has submit his form. Now his / her form is at institute level.
3. Pending at Verifier/DEO: Form is forwarded by institute/ school and now pending at first level of district office.
4. Pending at DLO: Form is forwarded by Verifier and now it is pending at second level for verify at district office.
5. Approved by DLO: Form is approved by district office.
6. Payment santioned by DLO:After approved form the form’s payment process first step has been done.
7. Bill Generated by DLO:- Second process of payment process has been done.
8. Scholarship Disbursed:- Scholarship amount of student has been send to student’s account which is provided by student through bhamashah.
9. Student profile update: Student has update profile but it will not reflect in his/her form until form is in objection and student submit the form again.
10. Objection by Institute/school: Some objection is raised by Institute/School. Student can check objection in their login.
11. Objection by Verifier/DEO/DLO/DSEO: Some objection is raised by Verifier/DEO/DLO/DSEO. Student can check objection in their login.
12. Objection clarified by student:- After this status it shows that objection is remove by student and now his/her form is at Institute/ School level.
13. Rejected by Institute: After this status student can not apply again and his/her application is permanent reject.
14. Reject by DLO: After this status student can not apply again and his/her application is permanent reject.

Scholarship Helpdesk

Phone: 0141-2220194,

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  2. My scholarship auto rejet by sje dlo for more then 30 day too any solutation btaye

  3. Sir my scholarship status is auto payment sanctioned what should i do

  4. My APPliction ID FOR Session 2017-2018 is 988234 please update my paymant status

  5. Shreenav Khandelwal

    my scholarship status is bill generated by DLO since march 2020 please send it, I have to pay the fees of college. Thank you

  6. My scholarship application id SCHOLARSHIP/2019-20/3271222 rejected by DLO Dholpur please reobjecstion

  7. Due to limited budget (Rejected) by SJE [06.07.2020]
    Name-vimla devi
    Application number – 441096

  8. My scholarship sessiom 2018-19 application id 2399807 pending with dlo sje please send my scholarship.

  9. My scholarship session 17-18 application ID is1445434 pending by dlo sje bata raha hae yae kya hae

  10. My Application Pending with DLO Application Number 2016-17/702421

  11. My objections reason is ok what are the mean of this???

  12. My BA 2nd year schoolership not come year 2018/19 2317891

  13. My application I’d please check scholarship 2018-19 please upbeat my payment status

  14. Pending with DoL. Sij

  15. My scholarship sessiom 2018-19 application id 2206837 pending with dlo sje please send my scholarship.

  16. My OBC BPL scholarship application number is 822702. Status shows pending with DLO SJE. Please send the scholarship amount soon.

  17. My scholarship application number is 1311653. I need to know my application status.

  18. My scholarship ID of session 2017/18 is 1311653. My status shows pending. Please check it.

  19. सत्र 2017-2018 की मेरी छात्रवृत्ति आईडी 1212756 है मेरी स्थिति छात्रवृत्ति बिगड़ी दिखाती है कृपया कुछ करने कि कृपा करें

  20. My scholarship ID is scholarship/2017-18/1229393. It is sanctioned but have not reached in my account.

  21. My scholarship ID of session 2017/18 is 1311653. My status shows ‘Pending’, Please check it.

  22. My application ID is 2017/18/1087666. What does it mean “Objection by verifier/ SJE pending with DEO/DSEO. Please solve my request.

  23. My application ID for session 2016-17 is 5015. May I know my status?


  25. My application number for scholarship session 2017-18 is 1268686. Please update my payment status.

  26. My application ID for session 2016-17 is 274282. Status shows, ‘It is in objection by SJE’. What does it mean?

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