pbsports.gov.in : Sports Scholarship Punjab

Organisation : Punjab Sports Department
Scholarship Name : Sports Scholarship
Applicable For : Sportsmen/ Women
Website : https://pbsports.punjab.gov.in/
Scholarship Rules : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/14645-Rules.pdf

Sports Scholarship :

Sports scholarships shall be awarded to the students of recognized schools/colleges/Institutions/ non-students who are outstanding sportsmen/women.

Related : GoSports Foundation Olympic Scholarships 2017-18 : www.scholarships.net.in/13173.html

The Sports scholarships will be awarded to the outstanding sportsmen/sports women in the following games/sports:-
1. Athletics
2. Badminton
3. Basketball
4. Boxing
5. Cricket
6. Cycling
7. Football
8. Gymnastic
9. Hockey
10. Handball
11. Judo
12. Kabaddi
13. Kho-Kho
14. Lawn-Tennis
15. Wrestling
16. Table Tennis
17. Volleyball
18. Weight Lifting
19. Swimming and
20. Rifle Shooting.

3. The rates of sports scholarships will be as under:-
1 Position holder upto III position in Olympic, common-wealth and Asian Games 1,000-00 P.M.
2 (a) National Champion in Senior group. 400-00 P.M.
(b) IInd and III position holder in National Championship in Senior group. 250-00 P.M.
3 (a) All India Interversity championship. 250-00 P.M.
(b) IInd & III position holders of All India Intervarsity championship. 200-00 P.M.
4 (a) Junior National Champion. 200-00 P.M.
(b) IInd and III position holders in Junior National Championship. 150-00 P.M.
5 (a) All India National schools Games champion. 150-00 P.M.
(b) II and III position holders in All India National school Games. 100-00 P.M.
6 (a) Mini National Games Champion. 100-00 P.M.
(b) II and III position holders in Mini National Games. 40-00 P.M.
7 (a) Champion of recognized State tournaments/championships in Senior Group. 50-00 P.M.
(b) II and III position holders in recognized State tournaments/ championships for Senior Group. 30-00 P.M.
8 a) Champion in State School Games & State championship for Juniors. 40-00 P.M.
b) II and III position holders of State School Games and State Championship for Juniors. 30-00 P.M.

4. The number of scholarship/stipends available in a particular year will be fixed with the approval of Administrative Department. The number of stipends of nonstudents will not be more than 10% of the total scholarships/stipends granted in the year.

5. Applications on the prescribed forms will be invited. In case of students, applications will be invited through the Heads of their institutions, who will forward the same alongwith their recommendations to the Sr. District Sports Officer/ Distt. Sports Officer concerned for scrutinizing and onward transmission to the Director Sports, Punjab.

In case of non-students, the applications will be submitted direct on the prescribed forms to senior District/District Sports Officers concerned for scrutinizing and onward transmission to Director Sports, Punjab. Cases of only those applicants would be considered who possesses the above standard (shown in para 3 above).

6. Sports Scholarships will be sanctioned by the Director Sports, Punjab.

7. The award will be normally valid for one year and will be paid in lumpsum on the basis of previous financial years achievements in sports.

8. The Sr. District Sports Officer/District Sports Officer concerned will be drawing and disbursing officer and will be responsible to maintain the accounts of all such awards for their respective districts.

The amount, in questions, will be disbursed through the Head of the Institution concerned. In case on non-students, the same would be disbursed directly by the Senior District Sports Officer/ District Sports Officer concerned.

9. a) The Director Sports, Punjab will be empowered to with-hold Sports Scholarship/stipends for such period as the deemed necessary and stopped altogether for any of the following reasons:-
a) Gross mis-conduct.
b) Lack of continued interest in the game/sports for which the scholarship has been awarded.
c) Non-participation in recognized coaching camps or competitions inspite of invitation.
d) Anti-Government and Anti-Social activities.

9. b) The decision of the Director Sports, Punjab regard to suspension, stoppage or forfeiture of Sports Scholarship/Stipends shall be final subject to the right of appeal to the Secretary to Government. Punjab, Sports Department.

10. Appellate Authority will be the Secretary to Govt. Punjab, Department of Sports in the cases where sports scholarship/stipends have been with-hold and will be all powerful to decide whether with-hold payment is to be resisted or for-feited.

11. The standards and rates will be revised by the Government from time to time on the recommendations of Director Sports, Punjab, if necessary.
12. These Sports Scholarship rules will remain enforced till any amendment
is made by the competent authority.

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