GoSports Foundation Olympic Scholarships 2017-18 Rahul Dravid Athlete Mentorship Programme : gosportsfoundation.in

Organisation : GoSports Foundation
Scholarship Name : Rahul Dravid Athlete Mentorship Programme/Olympic Scholarships 2017-18
Applicable For : Indian Athlete

Website : https://www.gosportsfoundation.in/
Application Form : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/13173-Form.pdf

Olympic Disciplines Scholarships:

The GoSports Foundation along with former Indian cricket captain Rahul Dravid is looking once again for talented, passionate, and goal-driven athletes who have demonstrated exceptional skill and resolve to achieve significant milestones in their sporting careers.

Related : GoSports Foundation PACE Scholarship : www.scholarships.net.in/2093.html

In association with Rahul Dravid, the GoSports Foundation will empower these athletes in their journey towards achieving sporting excellence.

Support Structure:
Athletes selected under the Programme will be offered crucial support by the GoSports Foundation, towards fulfilment of their sporting goals – goals which we believe, will help move Indian sport forward.

The support structure will be broadly directed towards:
** Training and Development
** Competition
** Mentorship
** Legal Support for Commercial Engagements
** Advise on Media Management and PR
** Career Guidance
** Knowledge Building Workshops and Seminars

Selection Criteria:
For the Rahul Dravid Athlete Mentorship Programme 2017-18 we are looking out for Indian athletes with extraordinary talent who have demonstrated the highest levels of commitment, passion, integrity and ethics to achieve success; athletes with special stories, whose continued success can inspire others to excel.

So if you are an Indian athlete,
** Competing in any Olympic discipline
** Aged between 13 and 25 years
** With medals at the National level in your age category or higher
** With a potential to win medals for India at the international stage
** Who can inspire a nation through your achievements and believe you have what it takes to become a GoSports athlete

Turn overleaf and apply now:
If you are not an athlete, but know someone who fulfils the above mentioned criteria, do direct them to the Application Form encouraging them to apply.

Documents required:
** Govt. approved Photo ID proof (Passport, Aadhar Card)
** Bank Passbook 1st page
** Certificate of each achievement being listed below
** 3-full size pictures of applicant while training or playing sport

Acknowledgement :
I agree and acknowledge that the submission of this form does not in any manner guarantee my selection for the Rahul Dravid Athlete Mentorship Programme 2017-18, and that the GoSports Foundation reserves the right to accept or reject my application for any reason whatsoever.

Further I hereby certify that the information provided by me herein is complete, accurate and true in all respects and the GoSports Foundation is free to verify such information directly or through third parties.

I am aware that I am applying for selection to the Rahul Dravid Athlete Mentorship Programme 2017-18. However, GoSports Foundation may, at its discretion, consider my application for support through such of its other schemes/programmes as GoSports Foundation deems fit.

I also agree and acknowledge that while GoSports Foundation may select my application for support under the Rahul Dravid Athlete Mentorship Programme 2017-18, GoSports Foundation may thereafter, at its discretion, choose to support me under any of its other schemes/programmes in addition to or instead of support through the Rahul Dravid Athlete Mentorship Programme 2017-18 as it deems fit.

Return Address:
Application form duly filled and with all relevant documents must be scanned and emailed to us at foundation@gosports.in with the subject line ‘Application – Rahul Dravid Athlete Mentorship Programme’

Forms of all Applicants will be reviewed and their performances monitored through the year. The GoSports Foundation team will announce names of selected candidates for scholarships during the next athlete intake process.

Categories Foundation/ Trust
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