LPU 2016-17 Scholarship For International Students : Lovely Professional University

Organization : Lovely Professional University
Scholarship Name : Scholarship For International Students 2016-17
Applicable For : International Students
Application Last Date : 31st August, 2016

Website :http://www.lpu.in/international/scholarship.php


To award outstanding achievement and to attract students of the highest calibre from around the world, the University offers a number of international scholarships. The scholarship is applicable only on the tuition fee. Details of the scholarships are as follows.

Related : LPU Special Scholarship For Toppers : www.scholarships.net.in/1791.html

International applicants are eligible for two types of Scholarship schemes as mentioned below.

Time Based Scholarship:
** Students taking admission on or before 31st August, 2016 are eligible for 30% waiver in tuition fee.

Scholarship Condition:
In order to be benefited under this scholarship scheme, an international applicant has to take admission and submit provisional registration fee for admission as mentioned in offer letter by 31st August, 2016.

Marks Based Scholarship for B.Tech Admissions
** Students having 65% or more marks in their qualifying exam and are taking admission on or before 31st August, 2016 are eligible for 50% scholarship waiver in tuition fee.

Scholarship Condition:
** In order to be benefited under this scholarship scheme, an international applicant has to take admission and submit provisional registration fee for admission as mentioned in offer letter by 31st August, 2016. This scholarship is only applicable for B.Tech admissions

For Bhutan Last date for 30% Scholarship is 5th August, 2016 and for 50% Scholarship is 5th July, 2016.

Terms and Condition for the Scholarship:
** Grant of Scholarship is subject to verification and authentication of the information, certificates and other documents as required by the University.

** Unless otherwise specifically decided by the University, Scholarship can be opted at the time of filing application for admission but not after the last date of Admissions for the concerned programme. In case student has not opted for Scholarship within the stipulated time period claim for the Scholarship cannot be made at later stage.

** In case, an applicant is eligible for Scholarship scheme as well as for any other monetary benefit under any other scheme or policy of LPU, then he / she has to opt for only one scheme of his/her choice.

** In addition to LPU Scholarship,, If a student gets scholarship from a Government / NGO / any other organization, then LPU Scholarship will be restricted to amount obtained by subtracting scholarship received from Government / NGO / any other organization from total applicable fees (including charges for Residential/ Transport/Food Facility, If any subject to maximum for a year for Non-AC three seater residential facility).

** If a student earlier admitted for a programme under scholarship scheme, later on applies for programme transfer; he will not be entitled for the scholarship for the changed programme in case last date of Scholarship scheme, for that changed programme, is expired.

** Scholarship scheme is applicable only on annual Tuition fee as prescribed in International Booklet 2016 and Prospectus 2016 and does not include fee for various other requirements / facilities like Backlog / re-appear / Make up fee etc.

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