AJCE Amal Jyothi College of Engineering Scholarship Kerala : ajce.in

Organization :Amal Jyothi College of Engineering Kerala
Facility : Scholarships

Home Page :https://ajce.in/home/index.html

AJCE Scholarships for students in 2015 by the Catholic Diocese of Kanjirappally :
** Ten students who secure ranks within the first 1000 in Kerala Engineering Entrance (KEAM 2014) will be provided full scholarship (they pay no fees) including free hostel accommodation by the Catholic Diocese of Kanjirappally.
** Students who secure ranks within 8000 in KEAM 2015 need to pay a fee of only Rs. 6000 per year (same fees as Government engineering colleges). Up to 30 such scholarships will be provided by the Catholic Diocese of Kanjirappally to high ranking students.
** Students who are within rank 8000 in the Kerala Engineering entrance exam 2015 are encouraged to contact the college immediately on publication of the rank list, to avail this golden opportunity.
** Students who enrol in Amal Jyothi (2015 admissions only), securing 85% or above in MG University exams (aggregate in an academic year) will get Rs. 25000 assured scholarship in the succeeding year.
** Students who score between 80 and 85 % aggregate in University exams in an academic year will be given an assured scholarship of Rs. 10000.
** The scholarship amount will be adjusted against the fee payable in the succeeding academic year.
** Any student of Amal Jyothi winning first rank in University at the end of the four year B.Tech course will be rewarded with a cash award of Rs. 50000. Students who earn Second rank will receive a cash award of Rs. 25000 and those obtaining third rank Rs. 10000.

List of Scholarships :
1. AJCE Faculty Scholarships for meritorious students of all depts.
2. Merit-cum-Means Scholarship
3. Annamma & Mathew Vattakkunnel memorial scholarship
4. Linsa Anie Abraham memorial scholarship
5. Lukes Joy memorial scholarship
6. Balu S. Pillai memorial scholarship
7. PG Scholarship scheme for GATE qualified students from AICTE
8. Prof. Sathish John memorial national level Engg. project contest
9. Scholarships to minority community students
10. Central sector scholarships
11. Rev. Fr. Mathew Vadakemuriyil Memorial Scholarship
12. Vengal Ipe Memorial Endowment Fund
13. Prof K Vijayan Endowment Fund
14. Silver Ordination Endowment Fund
15. Automobile Engineering Endowment Fund – 1
16. Automobile Engineering Endowment Fund – 2
17. Award of Excellence from M/s Sunny Diamonds
18. Saramma Ipe Memorial Endowment Fund
19. Dr. Placid Rodriguez Memorial Endowment Fund
20. Kannampuzha Lonappan and Mary Memorial Endowment Fund
21. Civil Engineering Endowment Funds
22. Jewel of AJCE Award – 1
23. Jewel of AJCE Award – 2
24. Weld Network Endowment Fund
25. AJCE Scholarships to the meritorious students based on KEAM

AJCE Special Scholarships for IT Students :
Special Scholarships are available for meritorious and financially weaker students who get admission in 2015 for B.Tech in IT branch. Those students who get admission via government open merit and 60% of students via management merit can avail this scholarship of INR 25000 per year .

For more information :
Contact + 91 9744136945 / + 91 828195868

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