RBI Scholarship Scheme For Faculty Members From Academic Institutions 2016

Organization : Reserve Bank of India
Scholarship Name : Scholarship Scheme For Faculty Members From Academic Institutions 2016
Applicable For : Full-time faculty teaching economics and/or finance in any UGC-recognized Universities/Colleges in India.
Applicable State : All Over India
Application Last Date : May 31, 2016

Website : https://opportunities.rbi.org.in/Scripts/bs_viewcontent.aspx?Id=3161

RBI Scholarship Scheme:

Applications are invited by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for Scholarship Scheme for Faculty Members from Academic Institutions. The scholarship scheme for faculty members aims at bringing on board scholars, who would be able to undertake and pursue critical projects successfully and thereby contribute to the Reserve Bank’s research universe.

RBI Scholarship For Faculty Members 2017 : www.scholarships.net.in/13288.html

The Reserve Bank of India invites full time faculty members teaching economics or finance in any UGC-recognized Universities/Colleges in India to undertake short term research in the areas of monetary and financial economics, banking, real sector issues and other areas of interest to the Reserve Bank.

1. Objectives:
The broad objectives of the scheme are:
** To increase awareness about the activities of the Bank amongst faculty members and student community, and
** To provide exposure to faculty members teaching economics and/or finance in different areas/activities in the Reserve Bank.

2. Eligibility:
The eligibility criteria for the scheme are as follows:
** Full-time faculty teaching economics and/or finance in any UGC-recognized Universities/Colleges in India.
** Indian nationals.
** Age below 55 years.

3. Schedule of the Scheme:
** The application, complete in all respect, should reach the Bank latest by May 31, 2016.
** Commencement of the scholarship scheme would be from August 1, 2016.

4. Selection Procedure:
** The applicants need to send a research proposal of not more than 1000 words and detailed curriculum vitae along with the duly filled in application form.
** The candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of the research proposal and curriculum vitae. The shortlisted candidates will then be interviewed by a selection panel.
** The candidates found suitable would be invited to undertake research on the theme decided by the Reserve Bank.

Please Note : Incomplete application/application received after the due date will not be considered for short listing.

5. Theme:
The exact theme of research for the scholars will be decided by RBI.

6. Submission of Application:
** The application in hard copy may be forwarded to ‘The Director, Development Research Group, Department of Economic and Policy Research, 7th Floor, Central Office Building, Reserve Bank of India, Fort, Mumbai – 400 001’.
** The application should be sent along with detailed curriculum vitae and the research proposal.
** The soft version of application (in addition to hard copy) and/or any queries related to the scheme may be sent to E-mail.

7. Number of scholarship:
A maximum of five scholarships would be considered for 2016. The Reserve Bank, at its discretion, may vary the number of scholarships for any year.

8. Duration of the Project:
The duration of the project is maximum three months.

9. Location of the scheme:
The scheme would be mainly operational at Central Office Departments of RBI, Mumbai. In certain cases, the Reserve Bank may ask the selected candidate to conduct research at select Regional Offices of RBI also. However, Bank may provide the option to the candidates to work from their institution for the Study during the period of 2 to 3 months.

10. Facilities:
The major facilities that will be made available to the selected scholar would include:
** Restricted economy class domestic air-fare ticket during visits to RBI Central Office, Mumbai from place of residence/work in India.
** Monthly allowance of Rs. 25,000/- (Rupees twenty five thousand only) to be paid for the duration of the project (not more than three months).
** In addition to the monthly remuneration, on completion of the Project/ Research paper and on acceptance of the same by RBI, payment of Rs. 1 lakh as honorarium would be made.

Note: No accommodation or allowance for accommodation will be provided during the period of scholarship.

11. Responsibilities:
The selected scholar will have the following responsibilities:
** The scholar would be required to submit a research paper/project report that contributes to RBI research activities.
** The scholar should make a presentation of his/her work in a Seminar at Reserve Bank, Mumbai.
** The scholar, if he/she desires to publish his/her research work elsewhere, may do so with prior permission of the Reserve Bank.

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