Hamdard National Foundation Scholarship Scheme 2015-16 Financial Assistance

Organization : Hamdard National Foundation
Scholarship Name : Application for Grant of Financial Assistance under Hamdard Scholarship Scheme 2015-16
Applicable For : Professional, Technical or Employment Oriented Courses Students
Application Last Date : 31st Jan, 2016

Website : http://www.hamdardnationalfoundation.org/index.html
Application Form https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/7252-HNF.pdf

Related: Hamdard Centenary Scholarship : www.scholarships.net.in/1008.html

Hamdard Scholarship Scheme :

1. Hamdard National Foundation Awards the Scholarship/ Financial Assistance only to the students who are pursuing higher studies in Professional, Technical or Employment Oriented Courses.

Last Date of Submitting the Form : 31st Jan, 2016

2. Applications will be considered for grant of Scholarship / Financial Assistance on the basis of merit-cum-means, solely on the discretion of H.N.F.
3. Hamdard National Foundation (HNF) reserves the right to reject any Application, therefore, no queries wil;l be answered regarding Scholarship/Financial Assistance.
4. Applicants selected for grant or” Scholarship/Financial Assistance will be informed through their E-Mail Address or SMS to their Mobile Number.
5. Provide all information as required in different columns. No column should be left blank. Applications which are incomplete or without the copy/copies of the desired documents/certificates/Mark Sheets etc. will not be considered.
6. Attach a Self Addressed envelope (with Postal Stamp of Rs. 5/- duly pasted thereon) along-with this Application Form.

Hamdard National Foundation :
Keeping in view the meaning and the spirit of the above verse of Holy Quran, Late Hakim Abdul Hameed, a renowned Unani Physician, Philanthropist, entrepreneur, founded Hamdard National foundation, an NGO for social welfare with the objective of crafting an awakening regarding education and health care among the people belonging to the weaker section of the society particularly Muslims and also for emancipation of women and childre

Categories Foundation/ Trust

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