Har-Chhatravratti State Merit Scholarship To UG/PG Students 2023-24 : Haryana Education Department

Organisation : Haryana Education Department Har-Chhatravratti
Scholarship Name : State Merit Scholarship To UG/PG Students 2023-24
Applicable For : UG/PG Students
Applicable State/UTs : Haryana
Application Last Date : 31st January 2024
Website : https://harchhatravratti.highereduhry.ac.in/

What is State Merit Scholarship To UG/PG Students?

State Merit Scholarship To UG/PG Students 2023-24 is sponsored by Haryana Education Department. In order that on really brilliant student is prevented on grounds of poverty alone from pursuing an academic career and with a view to giving them a sense of belonging as also an active awareness of their duty to the community, the State Govt. has formulated a scheme for the award of Merit-cum-Poverty Scholarships to the poor but talented students in colleges for General University Education for Degree, Post-Graduate and Doctorate Courses. Last Date of Scholarship is 31st January 2024.

Eligibility of State Merit Scholarship To UG/PG Students

The students who fulfill the following conditions shall be eligible for the award of these Scholarships:-
i) The students whose parents/guardians are the citizens of India and are domiciled in the Haryana State.
ii) The students who pass the specified Public Examination from the Punjab or Kurukshetra University or any other examining body, otherwise notified by the awarding authority.
iii) Scholarships under the scheme for post-graduate study viz. M.A./M.Sc./M.Com./Ph.D. classes will be paid without any consideration of the income of the parents ofthe Candidates.

Mode of Selection for State Merit Scholarship To UG/PG

** All the awards shall be made strictly on merit to be determined on the basis of aggregate marks (including optional subjects) obtained by the candidates in the specified Examination held at the end of the preceding academic year only.
** If any Examination is conducted by more than one recognised Examining bodies, the percentage of the marks shall be worked upto three decimal places and combined merit list shall be prepared by the awarding authority.
** In case more than one student secure equal marks/percentage of marks to be worked upto three decimal places. The candidate junior most in age shall get the first priority.

** The scholarship shall be awarded on the recommendations of the following authorities who will follow the procedure given in succeeding paragraphs and shall forward the completed documents (on the prescribed form) in respect of the eligible candidates to the awarding authority before the prescribed date, each year.
(i) Registrar, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, for Ph.D course in respect of one scholarship to be awarded in this Institution.
(ii) The Examination Body concerned (e.g. Punjab and Kuruksnetra University) from where a candidate passes his/her specified examination.

(iii) The students shall send their completed documents (application forms) duly attested to Examining Bodies under Registered cover before the date notified for this purpose who will issue Entitlement Cards to the prospective candidates simultaneously with the announcement of the results and this can be done by sending the requisite No. of cards to the Heads of the Institutions from where the candidates appeared in the Examination on the residential addresses of the Scholars as may be deeman expedient and better.

These cards may be sent to the 75% candidates of the total No. of Open Merit Scholarships/Rural Areas Scholarships fixed under the Scheme.

Similar cards may be issued to another 40% candidates in order of merit but with a heading bearing “Candidates to be kept on the Waiting List” on receipt of the application forms, a Merit List setting forth full particulars of the candidates shall be drawn up and supplied to the Awarding Authority i.e. HEC, Haryana, by the Examining Body concerned.

How to Apply for State Merit Scholarship To UG/PG Students?

** Har-Chhatravratti is one-stop solution through which various services starting from student application, application receipt, verification, processing, and disbursal of various scholarships to students are facilitated.
** Har-Chhatravratti is a Centralized Scholarship Portal developed by Department of Higher Education Haryana for various scholarship schemes of the Government.
** This initiative aims at providing a Simplified and Transparent System for faster and effective disbursal of Scholarship to eligible applicants directly into their account through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT).

The steps involved in Har-Chhatravratti are as follows:
Step 1: Student Registration
Step 2: Application Submission
Step 3: Level 1 Verification of Application at Institute Level
Step 4: Level 2 Verification of Application at Nodal Body Level
Step 5: Level 3 Verification of Application at Head Office Level
Step 6: Payment File Generation and Financial approval
Step 7: Scholarship Disbursement through DBT

What is the Last Date of State Merit Scholarship To UG/PG Students?

Last Date of State Merit Scholarship To UG/PG Students 2023-24 is 31st January 2024.

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