NSP Pre-Matric Scholarship For Class (IX & X) OBC Students Manipur 2022-23 : scholarships.gov.in

Organisation : Government of Manipur
Portal Name : National Scholarship Portal NSP
Applicable For : (OBC) Students
Scholarship Name : Pre-Matric Scholarship For OBC Students
Applicable State : Manipur
Application Last Date : 31st October 2022
Website : https://scholarships.gov.in/

What Is Pre-Matric Scholarship For OBC Students?

Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, Manipur 2022-23 is an initiative of the Social Welfare Department, Government of Manipur to provide financial assistance to OBC students. The scholarships are open to Nationals of India only. The students shall be given a consolidated academic allowance of Rs. 4000/- per annum. The last date of Pre-Matric Scholarship For OBC Students Manipur is 31st October 2022.

Related / Similar Scholarship : NSP Pre-Matric Scholarship For Class (IX & X) EBC Students Manipur 2022-23

Eligibility Criteria For Pre-Matric Scholarship For OBC Students

Pre-Matric Scholarship For OBC Students Manipur Eligibility Criteria :
** The scholarships are open to Nationals of India only.

** Scholarship award will be sanctioned in the case of students whose parents/guardians income from all sources does not exceed Rs.2,50,000/- per annum.

** The students should be studying in class IX and X on a full-time basis in Government Schools only.

** They should belong to either of OBC, EBC and DNT (who are not covered under SC,ST or OBC) categories through valid certificate.

** A scholarship holder under this scheme will not hold any other educational scholarship for the purpose of studying in class IX and X. If awarded any other educational scholarship for studying in classes IX and X, the students can avail of either of the two scholarships as per his/her choice and should inform the awarding authority to the Head of the Institution about the option made.

** The condition stipulated in this Ministry’s notification no. 428 dated 16.02.2017 relating to provisions contained in Section 7 of the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act 2016 are to be followed with further stipulation that if, for any reason, the authentication of Aadhaar fails in respect of any applicant, such an individual should be permitted to establish his/her identity by any other means so that genuine persons are not deprived of their benefits.

** Income Certificate is required to be taken once only, i.e. at the time of admission to courses.

How To Apply For Pre-Matric Scholarship OBC Students?

To apply for Pre-Matric Scholarship For OBC Students Manipur follow the below steps,
Steps :
Step-1 : Go to the official website of National Scholarship Portal through the URL provided above.
Step-2 : In Applicant Corner select “Fresh Application”
Step-3 : Read the instructions carefully and enter your Application Id, Password and Captcha for Login.

Step-4 : After Login to your account select the Scholarship scheme and fill the required details to apply for the scholarship.
Step-5 : If you are a New User then Click on the Register link in the Login Page.
Step-6 : Enter all required details for registration to get your user id and password. After register your account you can Login and apply the scholarship.
Step-7 : After complete your application you will get a confirmation message to your registered email id & mobile number.

Duration And Renewal Of Pre-Matric Scholarship OBC Students

Pre-Matric Scholarship OBC Students Duration And Renewal :
** The concerned State Governments and Union Territory Administrations will lay down the detailed procedure for selection of students, which shall not be in contravention to these guidelines.
** Application-on-the-day-of-admission: The institutions/ schools shall ensure that all students admitted to their institution apply on the IT portal for the scholarship on the same day as the date of admission into the institution.

** On the day of admission itself, the institution shall verify on the scholarship portal that the student has taken admission in the institution and is now a bonafide student of the institution.

** In case of renewal students, the student shall be auto-renewed based on the attendance and confirmation from the institution of the student having been promoted to the next class and having joined back the School/ Institution.

What Is The Last Date Of Pre-Matric Scholarship For OBC Students?

The last date of Pre-Matric Scholarship For OBC Students Manipur is 31st October 2022.

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