NSP Post-Matric Scholarship For SC Students Puducherry 2022-23 : scholarships.gov.in

Organisation : Government of Puducherry
Portal Name : National Scholarship Portal NSP
Applicable For : (SC) Students
Scholarship Name : Post-Matric Scholarship For SC Students
Applicable State : Puducherry
Application Last Date : 31st October 2022
Website : https://scholarships.gov.in/

What Is Post-Matric Scholarship For SC Students?

Post-Matric Scholarship for SC Students, Puducherry 2022-23 is an initiative of the Social Welfare Department, Government of Puducherry to provide financial assistance to SC students. The scholarships are open to nationals of India. All the applicants are advised to fill the form correctly, no changes can be made once submitted. The last date of Post-Matric Scholarship for SC Students Puducherry is 31st October 2022.

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Eligibility Criteria For Post-Matric Scholarship For SC Students

Post-Matric Scholarship For SC Students Puducherry Eligibility Criteria :
i) The scholarships are open to Nationals of India only.
ii) Only those candidates who belong to Scheduled Castes so specified in relation to the State/Union Territory to which the applicant actually belongs /domiciled as determined by the State/UT and who have passed the Matriculation or Higher Secondary or any higher examination of a recognized University or Board of Secondary Education will be eligible.
iii) Scholarships will be paid to the students whose parents’/guardians’ income from all sources does not exceed Rs. 2,50,000/- (Rupees Two lakh Fifty thousand only) during the last Financial Year.
** Income certificate is required to be taken once only i.e. at the time of admission only to courses which are continuing for more than one year.
** The income certificate shall be issued by the Authority as decided by the State Government.
iv) The ceiling on age limit for admission as regular student in different classes should be decided by concerned Institutions.
v) Candidates who, after passing one stage of education are studying in the same stage of education in a different subject e.g. Intermediate Science after Intermediate Arts or B.Com after B.A. or M.A in one subject after M.A in other subjects will not be eligible

How To Apply For Post-Matric Scholarship SC Students?

To apply for Post-Matric Scholarship For SC Students Puducherry follow the below steps,
Steps :
Step-1 : Go to the official website of National Scholarship Portal through the URL provided above.
Step-2 : In Applicant Corner select “Fresh Application”
Step-3 : Read the instructions carefully and enter your Application Id, Password and Captcha for Login.

Step-4 : After Login to your account select the Scholarship scheme and fill the required details to apply for the scholarship.
Step-5 : If you are a New User then Click on the Register link in the Login Page.
Step-6 : Enter all required details for registration to get your user id and password. After register your account you can Login and apply the scholarship.
Step-7 : After complete your application you will get a confirmation message to your registered email id & mobile number.

Post-Matric Scholarship SC Students Award Conditions

** If a student is found to have obtained a scholarship by false statements, his/ her scholarship will be cancelled forthwith and the amount of the scholarship paid will be recovered, at the discretion of the concerned State Government.
** The student concerned will be blacklisted and debarred for scholarship in any scheme forever.
** A scholarship awarded may be cancelled if the scholar changes the subject of the course of study for which the scholarship was originally awarded or changes the institution of study, without prior approval of the State Government.
** The Head of the Institution shall report such cases to the State which will stop payment of the scholarship money.
** The amount already paid may also be recovered at the discretion of the State Government.
** A scholar is liable to refund the scholarship amount at the discretion of the State Government, if during the course of the year, the studies for which the scholarship has been awarded, is discontinued by him/her.
** The provisions of this scheme can be changed at any time at the discretion of the Government of India

What Is The Last Date Of Post-Matric Scholarship For SC Students?

The last date of Post-Matric Scholarship For SC Students Puducherry is 31st October 2022.

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