NSP Pre Matric Scholarship For OBC Students Andaman and Nicobar 2022-23

Organisation : Government of Andaman and Nicobar
Portal Name : National Scholarship Portal NSP
Applicable For : Class 1 – 10 students
Scholarship Name : Pre Matric Scholarship For OBC Students 2022
Applicable State : Andaman and Nicobar
Application Last Date : 31st October 2022
Website : https://scholarships.gov.in/

What Is NSP OBC Pre Matric Scholarship?

National Scholarships Portal is one-stop solution through which various services starting from student application, application receipt, processing, sanction and disbursal of various scholarships to Students are enabled. Online applications are invited for NSP Andaman and Nicobar OBC Pre Matric Scholarship for the year 2022-23.The last date of NSP Andaman and Nicobar OBC Pre Matric Scholarship is 31st October 2022.

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Eligibility Criteria For NSP OBC Pre Matric Scholarship

NSP Andaman and Nicobar OBC Pre Matric Scholarship Eligibility Criteria:
** Scholarship award will sanctioned in the case of students whose parents or guardians income from all sources does not exceed Rs – 2,50,000 per annum.

Note 1: So long as either of the parents (or husband in the case of married unemployed girl student) are alive, only income of the parents/husband, as the case may be, from all sources will be taken into account and of no other members even though they may be earning. In the form of income declaration, income will be declared on this basis.

** Only in the case where both the parents (or husband in the case of married but unemployed girl student) have died, the income of the guardian who is supporting the student in his/her studies will have to be taken into consideration.

** Such students whose parent’s income is affected due to unfortunate death of one of earning parents and resultantly comes within the income ceiling prescribed under the scheme, shall become eligible for scholarship, subject to their fulfilling other conditions of eligibility, from the month in which such sad incidence taken place.

** Applications for scholarships from such students can be considered even after lapse of last date of receipt of applications, on compassionate grounds.

Note 2: House Rent allowance received by the parents of a student shall be exempted from the computation of ‘income’ if the same has been permitted to be exempted for purpose of Income-Tax.

Note 3: Income Certificate is required to be taken once only, i.e. at the time of admission to courses, which are continuing for more than one year

How To Apply For NSP OBC Pre Matric Scholarship?

To apply for NSP Andaman and Nicobar OBC Pre Matric Scholarship follow the below steps,
Steps :
Step-1 : Go to the official website of National Scholarship Portal through the URL provided above.
Step-2 : Then Select State Schemes tab and Click on Andaman and Nicobar in the drop down list.
Step-3 : In Applicant Corner select “Fresh Application”
Step-4 : Read the instructions carefully and enter your Application Id, Password and Captcha for Login.
Step-5 : After Login to your account select the Scholarship scheme and fill the required details to apply for the scholarship.
Step-6 : If you are a New User then Click on the Register link in the Login Page.
Step-7 : Enter all required details for registration to get your user id and password. After register your account you can Login and apply the scholarship.
Step-8 : After complete your application you will get a confirmation message to your registered email id & mobile number.
Note : Application complete in all respects, shall be submitted to the Head of the Institution/School.

Conditions For Award In NSP OBC Pre Matric Scholarship

NSP Andaman and Nicobar OBC Pre Matric Scholarship Conditions For Award :
i. The students may not be allowed to take up employment or render help to parents in their work during the course of studies.

ii. The award will be discontinued if a student fails to secure annual promotion except in case of unavoidable reasons to be certified by the competent authority of the scheme.

iii. If a student violates school discipline or any other terms and conditions of the scholarship, scholarship may be suspended or even cancelled, subject to the satisfaction of the competent school authority. The State Government/ Union Territory Administrations can also directly cancel the award if duly satisfied of the reasons of violation of these regulations governing the scheme.

iv. Migration of students from one institution to another would not normally be allowed during the course of academic year except under exceptional circumstances and in the interest of student’s academic career.

v. The scholar obtaining benefits under this scheme shall not be allowed to avail of benefits under any other pre-matric scholarship scheme.

vi. Regular attendance record not less than 60% in the previous year should be pre- requisite for availing scholarship.

vii. At least 5% students with disabilities should be covered for grant of the scholarships.

viii. To avoid any duplication, bank accounts of the target beneficiaries should be Aadhar seeded.

ix. 30% of the beneficiaries should be reserved for girl students.

What Is The Last Date Of NSP OBC Pre Matric Scholarship?

The last date of NSP Andaman and Nicobar OBC Pre Matric Scholarship is 31st October 2022.

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