HCL Grant 2021 Edition VII Online Application : hclfoundation.org

Organisation : HCL Foundation
Scholarship Name : HCL Grant 2021 Edition VII Application
Applicable For : NGOs working in the field of Education, Health and Environment
Applicable State/UTs : All India
Last Date : 17.07.2021
Website/Apply Online : https://www.hclfoundation.org/hcl-grant

HCL Grant

HCL Grant Edition VII Application Portal is LIVE!. Apply Now. Last Date to Apply is June 17, 2021.

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Who Can Apply?

** The Grant is applicable for NGOs working in the field of Education, Health and Environment with experience of implementing projects in rural India.

** We encourage organisations from all over India to apply with innovative, replicable and sustainable models, which can make significant contribution towards rural development.

How to Apply?

Applicants fulfilling defined eligibility criteria are required to fill the online application form which includes Organisational Profile and Project Abstract along with some mandatory documents.

Step 1 : Registration
Register your organisation by filling in the following details – your name, your organisation’s name, a unique username, a valid email address, address including state and city, valid mobile number, relevant thematic areas in which your organisation is working and a password on HCL Grant website. To register, click here.

Step 2 : Login
Log in, using the user name and password received on the registered e-mail id. To log in, click here.

Step 3 : Organisation Profile
Fill the Organisational Profile, review, save and submit. The Organisational Profile cannot be edited after submission. Please make sure to save your page every time before you leave the website.

Step 4 : Project Abstract
Fill the Project Abstract, review, save and submit. (Refer to instructions on the top of the page of project abstract form)

Step 5 : Documents
Under the ‘Documents’ tab, download Declaration Form by clicking on ‘Format Attached’, fill it by hand and upload it.

Step 6 : Mandatory Documents
Mandatory Documents to be uploaded to complete the application
** Organization Registration certificate
** Audited financials of last 3 years (FY 17-18, 18-19 and 19-20)
** 12A Certificate
** 80G Certificate
** PAN Card
** Declaration form

Please note : The organization can submit the following documents during Step 2 Abstract Review (if shortlisted) prior to submission of Proposal, in case unable to submit during current stage.

** Registration Certificate/ Acknowledgement of Submitted Application for CSR Funding – Form CSR 01
** Renewed 12 A certificate/ Acknowledgement of Submitted Application for 12 A certificate
** Renewed 80G certificate/ Acknowledgement of Submitted Application for 80 G certificate

Your candidature can stand cancelled in case of rejection of your submitted application by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs or Income Tax Department of the above documents/certificates at any stage of the HCL Grant process.

Step 7 : Review
Review and submit the form.

Step 8 : Acknowledgement
You will receive an e-mail acknowledging the submission of your application on the registered e-mail ID.

Pre Requisites

Applicant Organisation :
** The applicant organization must be a registered entity (as a Trust, Society, Section 8/25 company) and qualify the defined eligibility criteria. Further, the name on the application form must match with the registration certificate and other regulatory documents such as PAN, Audited Financials, 80G, 12A, FCRA, etc.

** The organization must have adequate experience of working in rural areas in India.
** The by-laws of the organization must allow it to undertake a project in the proposed thematic category.

** The organization must have a good rapport with the local administration in the proposed project’s location.
** The organization, including its governing body members, must not have any pending litigations.

** The organization must not be blacklisted by any government agency/department/ministry, donor, or international agency.

** The organization must not have faced cancellation of its license/registration/membership, etc., from the regulatory and/or statutory body. These shall cover (but not be limited to) FCRA, EPF, PT, Income Tax, 12A, 80G, GST, PAN, etc.

** The organization, including governing board members, must not have any negative media coverage or any other controversy associated with it.

** The organization or its board members or employees must not have any political or religious affiliations.
** The organization (if announced as winner or runners-up) must open a separate and new bank account for HCL Grant Funds.

Proposed Project :
** The proposed project must be in line with the provisions of Schedule VII of Section 135 of The Companies Act, 2013 and the CSR Rules 2014, and its amendments/clarifications.

** The proposed project must be in rural area/s.
** The proposed project must be designed for direct implementation by the applicant organization. Sub-granting of HCL funds is not allowed.

** The proposed project must be designed for a grant amount of Rs. 5 Crores (to be received from HCL Foundation) for a period of 3 to 5 years.It can be co-funded by a suitable donor that the applicant organization can bring onboard for any additional amount.

However, HCL Foundation must be apprised of all funders and stakeholders in advance. Additionally, the organization must report the utilization, outreach, and impact explicitly achieved through the HCL Grant fund.

** The grant amount must not be used solely for infrastructure development such as construction, renovation, purchase of fixed assets like land, buildings, and vehicles, among others. Further, proposed infrastructure development costs must be spent in line with project objectives and activities defined.

** HCL Grant funds can be used to scale-up an existing project or for a new project where co-funding is involved. However, HCL Foundation must be apprised of all funders and stakeholders in advance.

Additionally, the organisation must be able to report the utilization, outreach and impact achieved specifically through the HCL Grant fund.

** If any organization is noted to have furnished false or wrong information during the entire evaluation process at any point in time, the organization will get disqualified from HCL Grant.

Categories Foundation/ Trust
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