G.P. Birla Educational Foundation Scholarship 2020-21 : gpbirlaedufoundation.com

Organisation : GP Birla Educational Foundation Trust
Scholarship Name : G. P. Birla Scholarship 2020-21
Applicable For : Class 12th Passed Students in 2020
Applicable States/UTs : West Bengal
Last Date : 15th September, 2020
Website : https://www.gpbirlaedufoundation.com/

G. P. Birla Scholarship

GP Birla Educational Foundation Trust proposes to grant Scholarships to Class 12th Passed Students in 2020.


Meritorious students, male or female, from West Bengal, who have in the year 2020, passed class XII examination and have secured 80% marks or more from WBCHSE or 85% or more from ISC/CBSE and whose family income is less than Rs. 3,00,000/- per year and as such are in need of financial help to pursue further studies.

For students who have secured 95% or more from WBCHSE or 97% or more from ISC/CBSE , maximum family income criteria may be relaxed in the specific cases at the discretion of the Trustees.

How to Apply?

Offline Application

Students who meet the above criteria of merit, please follow the below steps to apply for the G. P. Birla Scholarship 2020-21,

Step-1 : Go to the official website of GP Birla Educational Foundation provided above.

Step-2 : Download the Application Form from the ‘Download’ section or you can directly download it from the below mentioned PDF.

Step-3 : Fill the following details
** Name of the Applicant
** Date of Birth
** Address
** Phone No.
** E-mail Address
** Name and Contact No. of Father & Mother
** Occupation of Father & Mother
** Yearly Income of Parents
** Marks/Rank obtained in last Examinations & School last studied
** A brief resume of the applicant including particulars of extra curricular activities.
** Subject of further study and course duration.
** Name and address of the Institute where the applicant will pursue higher studies.
** Any other information to justify grant of Scholarship.

Step 4 : By sending a completed application form along with enclosures to the following address

“G.P. Birla Educational Foundation,
78, Syed Amir Ali,
Kolkata – 700019”

Application Form : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/pdf2020/44695-form.pdf

Online Application

Eligible Students applying for scholarship through online mode should fill up the available form online.

Apply Online : https://www.gpbirlaedufoundation.com/

Required Documents

The following documents must be submitted along with the Application Form,
1. A completed copy of the application form attested by the Head of the Institution from which the Student has passed Class XII or where he has taken admission.
2. Proof of admission (if admission has been taken) at a university or college in which the applicant shall pursue higher studies.
3. Copy of academic certificates and grade reports for the last examination.
4. Copy of other certificates for extracurricular achievements.
5. Proof of Income
i. Copy of Form 16 or Salary Certificate, in case the Father or Mother is in Employment with Government or Private Sector, or
ii. Copy of Income Tax Return or Certificate from Tahsildars or Councillors, in any other case.

Scholarship Amount

Scholarship amount, to be granted to a limited number of selected students, will be to cover Tuition Fees and Hostel Fees, [where applicable], subject to a ceiling of Rs. 50,000/- per student per year.

The Scholarship will be granted students for one year at a time and to be continued upon satisfactory performance by the Student in the preceding year, as evaluated by the Trust, up to completion of the Course subject to a ceiling of 4 years, on yearly basis. Additional onetime payment of Rs. 7000/- towards purchase of Books in 1st Year shall also be given.

Scholarship Selection

For selection of Students for Scholarship, an Expert Panel, which presently includes Prof. Sumanta Basu of Indian Institute of Management, Kolkata and Dr. Rajib Das of Jadavpur University, Kolkata, will review the applications received and interview shortlisted prospective candidates.

Interview may be scheduled in October 2020 or later when it is safe and practical to do so, date for which will be communicated to shortlisted candidates. The decision of the Expert Panel will be final. It is expected that financial support of GP Birla Educational Foundation will help produce future leaders of the country.

Application Last Date

Completed Application Form should reach us on or before 15th September, 2020.

Categories Foundation/ Trust
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