ICSSR Senior Fellowship 2020-21 : Indian Council of Social Science Research

Organization : Indian Council of Social Science Research ICSSR
Fellowship Name : Senior Fellowship 2020-21
Applicable For : Ph.D. Degree Students
Applicable States : All India
Last Date : 26.06.2020 (Date is Extended)
Website : https://icssr.org/fellowship-2020-srf-pdf

ICSSR Senior Fellowship

ICSSR invites online applications for Senior Fellowships (SF) for 2020-21 from Indian scholars.

Related / Similar Fellowship : ICSSR Post Doctoral Fellowships 2020-21


Senior Fellowships are awarded to outstanding Indian Social Scientists for conducting full time research on themes and issues of national and social concerns.

These studies are expected to contribute to theoretical and conceptual advancement in different disciplines, help in generating field work based empirical data and contribute towards policy making.

The broad disciplines of study within the domain of social sciences are:
Economics, Management, Commerce, Sociology, Social Work, Social Anthropology, Cultural Studies, Socio-Sanskrit Studies, Socio-Philosophical Studies, Social Linguistics, Gender Studies, Health Studies, Political Science, International Studies, Public Administration, Diaspora Studies, National Security and Strategic Studies, Education, Social Psychology, Legal Studies, Social Geography, Environmental Studies, Modern Social History, Media Studies, Library Science


** The scholar should not be less than 45 and more than 70 years of age on the last date of application.
** The scholar must possess a Ph.D. degree in any of the social science disciplines with outstanding research publications at the time of application.

** Senior government and defence officers (not less than 25 years of regular service) and persons with proven Social Science expertise possessing a Ph. D. degree in any social science disciplines and demonstrable research experience through publications of books/research papers/reports can also apply.

** Faculties with regular service in public funded universities/colleges and research institutes getting UGC pay-scales may be considered for pay protection in exceptionally meritorious cases to be decided by the Expert Committees of the ICSSR.

The Expert Committee of the ICSSR also reserves the right to convert a fellowship proposal into a Project Proposal.

How to Apply?

Applicants can visit ICSSR’s website and apply online while uploading the required supporting documents.

Hard copy of the application form with requisite documents and forwarding letter(s) of the affiliating Institute/ University/ College and/or supervisor etc. will be required at a later stage after short-listing of the proposals. ICSSR will send communication about the submission of hard copies of the documents at required stage.

Just follow the below steps to apply for the Senior Fellowship 2020-21.

Steps :
Step 1 : It is required to login to apply for any fellowship/scheme.
Step 2 : To login, use “Login for Applicant” link given on the top.

Step 3 : New applicant need to register.

Step 4 : After successful registration you can login to your account and apply.
Step 5 : Enter your email ID as username in the login form.

Step 6 : Links to various applications are given on the left side.

Step 7 : Fill all the fields given in the online form and upload required document in PDF format before submission of application.
Step 8 : It is recommended to save the application (Save as Draft) before uploading the documents.

Step 9 : Do not use special characters in files you upload with the application.
Step 10 : You can view your application through Dashboard, which will be accessible after login.
Step 11 : It is recommended to take print out of your application for future reference.

Step 12 : Whenever you are asked to submit hard copy of documents, please mention on the cover of envelop superscript the fellowship/scheme type you have applied and Send it by post, to the our office address – Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), JNU Institutional Area, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi – 110067.

Procedure for Award

** Applications are scrutinized and an initial screening is done for eligibility and other conditions of the fellowship. Subject Group(s)/Expert Committee(s) short-list the eligible proposals for the next stage of interaction/presentation.

** The short-listed applicants are then invited for an interaction/presentation (in person or through technology) before an Expert Committee.
** After interaction, the Expert Committee/s makes recommendation for the award by the ICSSR.

Duration & Value

** Senior Fellowship is a full time research work.
** The duration of the fellowship is strictly for a period of two years.

** The value of the fellowship for unemployed and superannuated scholars is Rs.45,000 p.m. and contingency grant is Rs.40,000/-p.a. irrespective of the pensionary benefit.

** Under Salary protection, a fellow is entitled to salary and allowances admissible as per rules and contingency grant of Rs.40,000/-p.a.

However, special allowances like children education allowance, medical reimbursement, LTC, etc. are not admissible from the ICSSR under the scheme. The parent institution may, however, pay/reimburse the same as per its rule.

** The ICSSR shall also pay the leave salary and pension contribution or contribution towards CPF/NPS and gratuity for the period for which he/she holds the ICSSR’s fellowship as per rules of the parent institution.

Monitoring of Fellowship

** Regular monitoring of Fellowship is done on the basis of Six Monthly and Annual Progress Reports submitted by the scholar.

** The fellowship may be discontinued if progress of the research work is found to be unsatisfactory or if the fellow indulges in violation of ICSSR rules.
** The ICSSR may ask for annual presentation/mid-term appraisal of the research work.

** During the course of the fellowship, the scholars are required to publish at least two research papers in highly reputed Scopus or UGC Care list journals on the theme of the research under fellowship.

Last Date

The last date for online submission of applications is extended till 26th June 2020.

Categories Fellowship/Grants
Tags icssr.org

View Comments (5)

  • I am Dr. G. Alivelu, submitted proposal for senior research fellowship. Please let me know the update on this

  • I am Dr. Prabha Tirmare, submited my senior reserch felloship proposal. Let me know the results.

  • I am Prof. Mahendrakumar, S. Just I want to know the status of my senior fellowship of mine. The registration number is 113

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