NSP Tripura Mukhyamantri Yuba Yogayog Yojana 2019-20 : scholarships.gov.in

Organisation : Department of Industries and Commerce, Tripura
Portal Name : National Scholarship Portal NSP 2.0
Scholarship / Scheme Name : Mukhyamantri Yuba Yogayog Yojana 2020
Applicable For : UG Final Year Students
Applicable State : Tripura
Application Last Date : 15-06-2020 (Date is Extended)
Website : https://scholarships.gov.in/

NSP Tripura MYYY Scheme

Department of Industries and Commerce, Tripura invites applications for Mukhyamantri Yuba Yogayog Yojana for the year 2019-20.

The MUKYAMANTRI YUBA YOGAYOG YOJANA scheme for the State of Tripura will be opened in the portal from 06-05-2020 to 06-06-2020. Students of Tripura can apply in this scheme for the Academic Year 2019-20.


The need for a Smart Phone in the digitally connected world cannot be over emphasized. The smart phone is helpful in opening up huge opportunities for developing skills, finding resources to enhance knowledge and availing employment opportunities.

Providing grant for purchase of smart phones to the students of final year will empower them digitally and help them leverage the advantages of an inter-connected world.


** Only the student’s presently pursuing final year course in undergraduate degree in any Government College/Institute/University in Tripura.
** The Benefit can be availed once in life time.
** Phone must be purchased after announcement of the scheme in the name of applicant/ parent.

Mode of Assistance

Eligible students will apply for the grant of Rs. 5,000/- or cost of the phone whichever is lower under the scheme through online mode.

How to Apply?

The steps for applying for the grant under the scheme are given below.

Steps :
Step 1 : Visit the official website of NSP through provided above.
Step 2 : Then Select State Schemes tab and Click on Tripura in the drop down list.

Step 3 : If you are a New User then Click on the Register link in the Login Page.

Step 4 : An applicant will register online with the following details,
** Full Name of the Applicant
** An Unique User Name and
** A Password

Step 5 : After successful registration, the applicant will login with his username ans password to get access to his/her personal area. There will be three different links for entering,
** Personal Information
** College Information
** Bank Details and
** Phone Details

Step 6 : After filling up all the details, an applicant will apply for the grant under the scheme through this online platform.

Guidelines :


1. Can the students apply anytime during the year?
No. Students can only apply online on the National Scholarship Portal, for a particular time period, as notified by the “Government of Tripura”, from time to time.

2) Are all courses covered under the ambit of the scheme?
No, the benefit will be awarded to all Undergraduate Degree Courses only.

3) Are students enrolled in private universities (not funded by either Central or State Government) eligible to apply?

4) Are only final year undergraduate students eligible to apply?
Yes, only those students who presently pursuing final year course in undergraduate degree in any Government College/ Institute/ University in Tripura are eligible to apply.

5) Is there any need for uploading of Invoice of Mobile along with the online application form?
Yes, students must upload the GST-enabled Invoice of the purchased mobile in the portal, which has to be duly counter-signed & stamped by the Government College/ Institute/ University Authority, with a Verification Remarks.

In addition, the Applicant must also upload His/ Her Photograph, “Last Year Mark-sheet” and Bank Account document indicating His/ Her Name, Account No. & IFSC Code

The Invoice must contain “GST Account No. of the Seller”, “Name & Address of Shop from where Purchased”, “Name of the Buyer (which could be the student or his/her Parents)”, IMEI No. of the Mobile Set, Date of Purchase, and Purchase Amount.

Additionally, the Applicant shall enter the Purchase Amount in the “Miscellaneous Fee (Other Than Admission/ Tuition Fee)” field provided in NSP2.0 during Application.

This is to re-iterate that the Government College/ Institute/ University Authority, shall duly verify that all the stated information are legibly recorded on the Invoice.

6) Is it mandatory that invoice of the purchased mobile must be in the name of student
No, name of the parents of the student also be permitted.

7) Is there any need for uploading of “Previous Year’s Marksheet” along with the online application form?
Yes, students have to upload Marksheet of last semester or both semester of Previous Year.

Last Date

** Closing date for Mukyamantri Yuba Yogayog Yojana Tripura is 15-06-2020
** Defective Verification is Open till 15-06-2020
** Institute Verification is Open till 15-06-2020

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