CSIR HRDG Research Grant & Fellowship

Organization : Human Resource Development Group Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
Fellowship Name : CSIR-Research Grant & Fellowship

Website : https://www.csirhrdg.res.in/

CSIR-Research Grants & Research Fellowships :
1. The EMR Division under HRD Group of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) provide CSIR Research Fellowships and Associateships to bright young men and women for training in methods of research under the expert guidance of faculty members/scientists working in University Departments/Institutes of National Importance/National Laboratories and Institutes of CSIR in various fields of Science & Technology and Medical Sciences. List of CSIR Laboratories is at Annexure-I.

2. The CSIR Fellowships/Associateships are tenable in Universities/IITs/Post-Graduate Colleges/Government Research Establishments including those of CSIR, R&D establishments of recognized public or private sector, industrial firms and other recognized institutions. However, CSIR reserves the right to determine the place best suited to provide necessary facilities in the area of science and technology in which the awardee is to specialize.

3. The CSIR Fellowships / Associatships are tenable in India. Only bonafide Indian citizens, residing in India are eligible for the award of research Fellowship/Associateships. The programme is aimed at National Human Resource Development for S&T.

4. The award of CSIR Fellowship / Associateships is for fixed tenure and does not imply any assurance or guarantee for subsequent employment by CSIR to the beneficiary. The authority to award / terminate vests with CSIR. The awardee shall not lay claim to permanent absorption in CSIR, after the expiry of Fellowship / Associateship.

5. Subject Of Research:
Preference is given to a subject / topic of research relevant to the research programmes of CSIR laboratories and nationally important S&T areas.

6. CSIR Junior Research Fellowship (JRF):
A large number of JRFs are awarded each year by CSIR to candidates holding BS-4 years program/BE/B. Tech/B. Pharma/MBBS/ Integrated BS-MS/M.Sc. or Equivalent degree/BSc (Hons) or equivalent degree holders or students enrolled in integrated MS-Ph.D program with at least 55% marks for General & OBC (50% for SC/ST candidates, Physically and Visually handicapped candidates) after qualifying the National Eligibility Test ( NET) conducted by CSIR twice a year June and December.

Candidates with bachelor’s degree, whether Science, engineering or any other discipline, will be eligible for fellowship only after getting registered/enrolled for Ph.D/integrated Ph.D. programm within the validity period of two years.

Candidate enrolled for M.Sc. or having completed 10+2+3 years of the above qualifying examination are also eligible to apply in the above subject under the Result Awaited (RA) category.

7. Application Procedure:
On-line applications for JRF-NET are invited twice a year on all India basis through press advertisement. The information with respect to inviting applications is also made available on HRDG website (www.csirhrdg.res.in).

8. Age Limit:
The upper age limit for applying for the award of JRF shall be 28 years, which is relaxed upto 5 years in the case of candidates belonging to Schedule Castes/Schedule Tribes/OBC, Physically Handicapped/Visually Handicapped and female applicants.

9. Selection Procedure:
The Selection for award of JRF shall be made on the basis of a competitive written test called the National Eligibility Test (NET), conducted by CSIR at national level twice a year in the following areas (1) Chemical Sciences (2) Earth, Atmosphere, Ocean and Planetary Sciences (3) Life Sciences, (4) Mathematical Sciences, (5) Physical Sciences, and (6) Engineering Sciences.

From June 2011, CSIR has introduced a Single MCQ (Multiple Choice Question) Paper based test comprising of three parts. Part-A shall be common to all subjects comprising question on General Science and Research Aptitude. Part-B shall contain subject-related conventional MCQ and Part-C shall contain higher value questions that may test the candidate’s knowledge of scientific concepts and/or application of the scientific concepts. Negative marking for wrong answers shall be done.

The candidates who qualify the test are informed individually. The Fellowship is awarded on receipt of necessary details of the qualifying degree examination, proposed place of research work, research topic, the name of supervisor and the concurrence of the Institution to provide all the necessary facilities. The validity of the offer of the JRF award is two years and will not be extendable.

Categories Fellowship/Grants
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