JNU Kodikara Fellowship Programme 2019 : Jawaharlal Nehru University

Organisation : Jawaharlal Nehru University
Fellowship Name : Kodikara Fellowship Programme 2019
Applicable For : Young South Asians
Applicable State/UTs : All India
Application Last Date : 15.03.2019
Website : https://www.jnu.ac.in/content/kodikara-fellowship-programme

JNU Kodikara Fellowship Programme

RCSS invites research grant applications for its annual Kodikara Fellowship Program. The fellowship is tenable for six months, commencing in 2019.

Related : MAKAIAS Maulana Azad Fellowship 2019 : www.scholarships.net.in/35986.html

Who Can Apply?

** The grants are offered to young South Asians, aged between 25-35 years, to conduct policy relevant research on strategic and international issues of contemporary South Asian interest.

** Candidates should ideally have a MA/ PhD in International Relations, Strategic Studies, Political Science, Economics, International Law or any other related subject.

How to Apply?

Just follow the below steps to apply for the Kodikara Fellowship Programme 2019.

Steps :
Step 1 : Young professionals are encouraged to apply. Applications should be sent to RCSS containing-

** Professional Curriculum Vitae
** Copies of two recently published research work;
** Evidence of a track record of research related experience, and interest in the theme selected for research pertaining to the South Asia region;

** A research proposal that should not exceed 1500 words. It should include
i. Project Title
ii. Objective and Significance of the study
iii. Description of research methodology
iv. Research work plan

Step 2 : Candidates must submit two confidential letters of academic reference to be sent directly to RCSS by the referees.

Fellowship Details

An award of USD 3000 will be made available for each Research Fellow to conduct research.

S/he can apply for a fellowship on the following thematic areas- Strategies for Addressing Inequality in South Asia, Civic Engagement and Governance in South Asia, Gender, Racial and Ethnic Justice in South Asia, Natural Resources and Climate Change in South Asia.

Terms & Conditions

1. The fellow must devote his whole time to approved courses of research and study at the University.

2. He shall not accept or hold any appointment paid or otherwise or receive any emolument, salary, stipend, etc. from any other source during the tenure of the award.

Junior Research Fellows with the consent of the Guide/Head of the Department may assist the University/Institution in its teaching programmes, if called upon to do so, including tutorials, evaluation of test papers, laboratory demonstration work, seminar, symposia, etc. provided that such work undertaken by him/her is not likely to hamper his own research programme on hand.

3. He shall obtain prior permission of the University for appearing at any examination conducted by any other University or public body.
4. The fellowship shall be terminated at any time if the progress and conduct of the fellow is found to be unsatisfactory.

5. The fellowship shall ordinarily be tenable for a period of one year in the first instance but may be renewed for the second, third and fourth years if the student continues to maintain satisfactory progress.

Last Date

The closing date for applications for the fellowship is 15.03.2019.

Categories Fellowship/Grants
Tags jnu.ac.in
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