JNCASR Project Oriented Chemistry Education POCE Fellowship 2020

Organization : Jawaharlal Nehru Centre For Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR)
Fellowship Name : Project Oriented Chemistry Education POCE 2020 Fellowship
Applicable For : Students studying in 1st year of three year B.Sc
Applicable State/UTs : All India
Application Last Date : March 9, 2020
Website : https://www.jncasr.ac.in/

JNCASR POCE Fellowship

JNCASR invites application for Project Oriented Chemistry Education POCE Fellowship for the year 2020. The programme will be conducted during the summer vacation for a period of 6 to 8 weeks over three consecutive summers.

Related / Similar Fellowship :
JNCASR POBE Fellowship 2020


Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research conducts a Project Oriented Chemistry Education (POCE) programme, to explore their academic potential, stimulate deeper interest in science and infuse creativity and scientific temper amongst undergraduate students. Selected students will be given an opportunity to attend lectures, participate in laboratory projects and research.

POCE Fellowship Eligibility

Students presently studying in the 1st year of three year B.Sc programme only (preferably with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, (PCM) combination)

POCE Application Procedure

Just follow the below steps to apply for the Project Oriented Chemistry Education POCE Fellowship 2020.

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of JNCASR provided above.
Step 2 : Then download the application form from the official website or you can directly download it from the below mentioned link.

Download Application Form :

Step 3 : Fill the application form with the required details and submit the application form to the following address,

Mailing address to send completed application form:
The Academic Coordinator,
Fellowships & Extension Programmes,
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research
Jakkur. P.O., Bangalore – 560 064.

Application Format

Please fill the application form with the following details,
1. Name
2. Date of Birth
3. Address for Correspondence (in Capital Letters)
4. Residential Address (if different from 3.)
5. Subjects in B.Sc (3Years degree program)
6. Current Institutional Name and Address

7. Educational background (SSLC/10th Standard or equivalent onwards. Attach attested copies of statement of marks by Principal of your College/Institution)

8. Academic Awards/Scholarships/distinctions received (Attach copies of certificates)
9. Give reasons why you should be selected for this programme.
10. Names and address of two teachers (school/college) who are likely to provide letters of recommendation.

(Please hand over the attached referee’s report sheets to the referees and collect the same from them in a sealed envelope and mail along with your completed application form).

Note : Please ensure that your completed application form is accompanied by two confidential reports from the Referees (in sealed envelopes)and attested copies of statement of marks by the Principal.

The completed application form with all documents should reach the Academic Coordinator, JNCASR by 9 March, 2020 by post only.

Fellowship Amount

The total number of Fellowships offered will be upto 11. A scholarship of Rs. 10000/- per month will be provided

Announcement of Selected Candidates

Only selected candidates will be intimated by first week of April – 2020 and the list will also be available on the JNCASR website. Mere applying to the programme and satisfying the eligibility criteria does not guarantee selection.

Selected candidates must indicate their acceptance within two weeks of the email sent or else it will be presumed that they are not interested in joining the programme and the offer will be cancelled automatically.

POCE Important Dates

** Commencement of downloading application form – January 29, 2020
** Last date for downloading of application form – February 28, 2020
** Last date for receipt of completed application form – March 9, 2020

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