WBLWB Scholarship/Stipend 2019 : West Bengal Labour Welfare Board

Organisation : WB Labour Welfare Board
Scholarship Name : Scholarship/Stipend 2019
Applicable State : West Bengal
Last Date : 31.01.2019
Website : https://wblwb.org/html/index.php

WBLWB Scholarship/Stipend

WB Labour Welfare Board invites applications for Scholarship/Stipend for the year 2019.

Related / Similar Scholarship : WB CMO Nabanna Scholarship 2020-21


The eligibility for the scholarship and stipend is as follows

(a) For scholarship :
(i) Guardian’s annual income shall not exceed Rs. 1,20,000/- per year.
(ii) Marks obtained 65% in Madhyamik and 55% in H.S. and above.
(The percentage of marks reduced by 5% for candidates of North Bengal zone.)

(b) For stipend :
(i) Guardian’s annual income shall not exceed Rs. 72,000/- per year.
(ii) Pass marks to be obtained in Madhyamik, H.S., and university examination.

How to Apply?

Just follow the below steps to apply for the Scholarship/Stipend 2019.

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of WB Labour Welfare Board provided above.
Step 2 : Then download the application form from the official website or you can directly download it from below mentioned link.

Download Application Form :

Step 3 : Fill the application form with the required fields. The application should be filled up by the candidate in his / her own hand writing

Application Format

Fill the following details to complete the application form,
1. Name & Full postal address of the applicant (with Pin Code & Phone Number)
2. Name & Address of his/her father/Mother/Guardian (with Pin Code & Phone Number)
3. Religion

4. Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC (to be supported by documents)
5. Statement of monthly wages of his her father/ mother/guardian drawn during the month preceding the month of advertisement (duly attested by the employer

6. Name of the last examination passed with year of passing
7. Marks obtained in each paper of the last examination passed (attested copy of Mark sheet to be enclosed)

8. Percentage of marks obtained in he aforesaid last examination passed
9. Name & Address of the institute from which the last examination passed
10. Name & Address of the present Institute in which he/she is prosecuting studies. (with pin code & Phone Number

11. Whether the applicant is in receipt of any other stipend/scholarship from any other source
12. Name & duration of the course of present study
13. Present year of the course of study

14. Name & Address of the organization in which his/her father / mother is employed
15. Whether, father & mother both are employed? if so, there respective monthly income

16. How many members of the same family have applied for scholarship/stipend in the year
17. Whether he/she has applied for this scholarship/ stipend previously? if so, details there of including previous Application number

18. Particulars of his/Her Bank Account, if any
(i) Particulars of Bank Account of his / her father / mother / guardian (if the applicant has no Bank Account of his / her own

Scholarship and stipend are given to the wards of contributing workers every year as an economic support to pursue their studies from H.S. onwards.

Rate of Scholarship & Stipend

Amount of scholarship and stipend has been enhanced w.e.f. 01.04.11 by the Board as follows

Scholarship :

Name of Class/course Previous Amount Present Enhanced Amount
For H.S. Rs. 1,500 per year Rs. 2,700 per year
Degree courses Rs. 2,100 per year Rs. 3,700 per year
Post graduate degree Rs. 2,400 per year Rs. 4,200peryear
M.B.B.S./ B.D.S. Rs. 3,000 per year Rs. 5,300 per year
Engineering degree Rs. 3,000 per year Rs. 5,300 per year
Diploma Courses Rs. 1,800 per year Rs. 3,200 per year

Stipend :

Name of Class/course Previous Amount Present Enhanced Amount
H.S. Rs. 1,200 per year Rs. 2,100 per year
Degree courses Rs. 1,800 per year Rs. 3,200 per year
Degree in medical and engineering Rs. 2,400 per year Rs. 4,200 per year
Post Graduate Rs. 1,800 per year Rs. 3,200 per year
Diploma courses Rs. 1,500 per year Rs. 2,700 per year

Last Date

Last Date of submission of the application is 31.01.2019

Categories West Bengal
Tags wblwb.org

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