YMCA VPM Vishwa Prakash Mission Scholarship 2018-19 : University Of Science & Technology

Organization : J.C. Bose University Of Science & Technology, YMCA Faridabad
Scholarship Name : Vishwa Prakash Mission VPM Scholarship 2018-19
Applicable For : B.Tech. 1 Year Students
Application Last Date : 14.12.2018
Website : http://ymcaust.ac.in/index.php/

YMCA VPM Scholarship

Financial Assistance to needy and deserving students by Trust Vishwapraksh Mission, Faridabad for B.Tech. 1 year students only for the session 2018-19.

Related : YMCA UST Post Matric Scholarship For SC/BC Students 2018-19 : www.scholarships.net.in/33730.html

Who Can Apply?

The eligibility conditions of the scholarship are given here under
** Course who are at present studying in 1st Year in the University.
** Only those students whose parents income is less than Rs.20,000/-p.m. can apply.
** Those students who are provided any other scholarship by any Government/Private Agencies or Organizations etc. shall not be eligible.

How to Apply?

The interested students who are not getting any other scholarship may download the application form from University Website i.e. “ymcaust.ac.in” and submit the same to the Academic Section Latest by 14.12.2018 up to 3:00 p.m. positively.

The student may note it carefully that they have to submit only Application Form and Terms & Conditions duly signed by their parents shall be obtained by the university later by selected students only

Download Application Form :

Scholarship Amount

In this programme, maximum amount of scholarship shall be Rs. 25,000/- per semester subject to very good performance of the selected student in the exams and good conduct. Continuation of the scholarship shall be the sole discretion of the trust.

Notification :

Terms & Conditions

** The applicants are selected as a beneficiary under the Scholarship programme based on their request, economic, social conditions and academic performance
** Under Scholarship programme of the foundation, the applicant seeks benefits for school/college purpose only.

** The Scholarship programme will meet the educational expenses mainly the school / college fees etc.
** Applicants will not seek benefits for Postgraduate courses / degrees under the Scholarship programme.

** The mission has the full rights to change the quantum of benefits etc. The mission does not entertain any recommendations, outside influence, money in the selection of the applicants.

** If the selected beneficiary receives any form of financial assistance from the Govt / State or Central / Private institutions, the quantum of benefit may be changed and it has to be brought to the notice of the foundation.

** No oral communication for benefits will be entertained. All benefits / assistance will be directly payable to the respective educational institutions. However, reimbursements direct to the beneficiary may be considered by the trust subject to production of the required receipts / valid documentation.

** Some states do provide assistance to first graduates in a family. If the funds provided to the first graduates do not reach them in time, the foundation may provide financial assistance to them as a loan.

After receipt of funds from the government the beneficiaries have to return the benefits back to the foundation.

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