JNCASR SRFP 2020 Summer Research Fellowship Programme : Jawaharlal Nehru Centre

Organization : Jawaharlal Nehru Centre For Advanced Scientific Research
Fellowship Name : SRFP 2020 Summer Research Fellowship Programme
Applicable For : UG & MSc students studying in India
Application Last Date : 6th December, 2019
Website : https://www.jncasr.ac.in/

JNCASR Summer Research Fellowship

Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research invites applications for its Summer Research Fellowship Programme 2020, for motivated and talented students within India in Science and Engineering.

Related : Lady Tata Memorial Trust Junior Research Scholarship 2020-21 : www.scholarships.net.in/32831.html

Who Can Apply?

** Students who have secured not less than 80% in Maths and Science subjects in their 10th and 12th standard or equivalent examinations, and not less than first class in graduation and post graduation (if applicable).

** Students presently studying in I and II year of B.Sc., I, II & III year of B.S., I, II & III year of B.E. /B.Tech., I year of M.Sc., and I-III year of Integrated M.Sc. can apply for Life Sciences.

** Students presently studying in II & III year of B.Sc., II, III & IV year B.S., II, III & IV year of B.E/B.Tech., I year of M.Sc. and I-III year of Integrated M.Sc. can apply for Physical Sciences, Engineering Sciences and Mathematics.

** Students presently IV year of BS-MS, I year of M.Sc. and IV year of Int. M.Sc. can apply for Materials Sciences and Chemical Sciences.

How to Apply?

Just follow the below steps to apply for the SRFP 2020.

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of Jawaharlal Nehru Centre For Advanced Scientific Research provided above.
Step 2 : Then download the application form from the official website or you can directly download it from below mentioned link

Download Application Form :

Step 3 : Fill the application form with the required details and the filled in application form with attested documents should reach the address mentioned below latest by 13th December 2019

Mailing address :
The Academic Coordinator
Fellowships and Extension Programmes
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research
Jakkur P.O., Bangalore – 560 064.

Note :
1. Please ensure that your completed application includes
(a) Two confidential reports sealed by the referee and with the referees’ signatures across the seals.
(b) Attested Xerox copies of relevant mark sheets etc.

2. Students who have already completed this programme earlier need not apply.
3. Your “Area of Research” on the left hand top corner of the mailing envelope.
4. Mere application to this programme does not warrant selection.

Research Areas

Life Sciences :
Infectious and non-infectious diseases, bioinformatics, developmental biology, biochemistry, molecular biology, immunology, genetics, life-history evolution, circadian biology, animal behaviour, behavioural ecology, evolutionary genetics, experimental evolution, population dynamics, phylogeography, neurophysiology, behavioural neurobiology and behavioural genetics and cell biology.

Materials Sciences : Nano sciences, energy and green materials.

Chemical Sciences :
Solid state chemistry, theoretical and computational chemistry, organic, physical and inorganic chemistry, organic and asymmetric synthesis, medicinal and bio-organic chemistry, polymer chemistry, supramolecular chemistry and chemistry of nanomaterials, renewable energy and healthcare related materials chemistry.

Physical Sciences :
Condensed matter theory and experiment, statistical physics, semiconductor materials physics, biophysics, nano physics, organic electronics, computational materials science, soft matter, semiconductor interfaces, heterostructures, physical metallurgy and transmission electron microscopy.

Engineering Sciences :
Computational fluid dynamics using mesoscopic simulation techniques, dynamics and rheology of complex microstructured fluids including suspensions, emulsions and polymer solutions, flow of granular media, Active matter, Hydrodynamic stability of Newtonian and viscoelastic fluids, high Reynolds number flows and turbulence, non-linear dynamics and chaos, vortex dynamics, heat and mass transfer, geophysical fluid dynamics, microfluidics, acoustofluidics, and microgravity science

Fellowship Amount

The students selected under this programme are placed with scientists at the Centre or elsewhere in India, for 2 continuous months with a stipend of Rs. 10000 /- p.m and travel support as per Centre’s norms

Important Dates

** Last date for downloading application form from website is 6 December 2019
** Last date for receipt of completed application form is 13 December 2019
** Selected candidates will be intimated by 28th February 2020

Categories Fellowship/Grants
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