sw.kar.nic.in SC Post-Matric Scholarship Renewal 2018-19 : Karnataka Social Welfare Department

Organization : Karnataka Social Welfare Department
Scholarship Name : SC Post-Matric Scholarship Renewal 2018-19
Applicable State : Karnataka
Applicable For : Karnataka SC Students
Website : https://sw.kar.nic.in/Index.aspx

SW SC Post-Matric Scholarship Renewal

SC Students Can Apply For Post-Matric Scholarship Renewal In Student Login for the year 2018-19.

Who Can Apply?

(i) The scholarships are open to nationals of India.

(ii) These scholarships will be given for the study of all recognized post-matriculation or post-secondary courses pursued in recognized institutions with the following exceptions

“Scholarships are not awarded for training courses like Aircraft Maintenance Engineer’s Courses and Private Pilot license Courses. Courses at Training – Ship Dufferin (Now Rajendra), courses of training at the Military College, Dehradun, courses at Preexamination Training Centres of all India and State levels.”

(iii) Students who, after having completed their educational career in one professional line, e.g. L.L.B. after B.T./B.Ed. will not be eligible.

(iv) Students studying in Class XI of the Higher Secondary School courses of the XII Class of the Multipurpose High School will not be eligible for it being a continuous school course.

(v) All children of the same parents/guardians will be entitled to receive benefits of the scheme.

How to Apply?

Just follow the below steps to apply for the SC Post-Matric Scholarship Renewal 2018-19.

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of Karnataka Social Welfare Department through the URL provided above.

Step 2 : Then click on the “SC : Post-Matric Scholarship Renewal” link under NEWS & EVENTS

Step 3 : It will redirect to the Scholarship Management Information System. Here you have to enter your Registration No and Date of Birth for Student Login.

Step 4 : After Login to your account fill the required details to complete the scholarship renewal application

Value Of Scholarship

The value of scholarship includes the following for complete duration of the course
(i) maintenance allowance,
(ii) reimbursement of compulsory non-refundable fees,
(iii) study tour charges,
(iv) thesis typing/printing charges for Research Scholars,
(v) book allowance for students pursuing correspondence courses,
(vi) book bank facility for specified courses, and
(vii) additional allowance for students with disabilities, for the complete duration of the course.

About us :
The Constitution of India provides certain special Constitutional safeguards for the welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and other weaker sections of the population, so that they could take their rightful place in community.

As citizens of the Republic of India, they are fully entitled to certain rights and privileges, which were denied to them in the past on the ground of Caste system and the practice of Untouchability.


If you have any queries related to scholarship please call the helpline number,
24/7 HelplineNo : 9008400078/08022634300
Mobile HelplineNo : 9480843005(10Am-5:30Pm)
Helpline No : 080-22340956(10Am-5:30Pm)
Email : helpswkar [AT] gmail.com

Categories Karnataka

View Comments (17)

  • My daughter passed in 2nd PUC Science in this year 2019 April. She scored 92.16 %. So how to get Scholarship for her higher education? We belonging to 3B BPL. So, please help me.

  • I am studying in Jayaprakash Narayana Collage of Engineering. I have not got the scholarship amount of 2015-2016.

  • I want to know, how to Edit Submitted Application and In my Application, I am getting "Acknowledgement of Postmetric Scholarship" instead of getting "Renewal of Postmetric Scholarship", So any one can please tell me how to make it correct.

  • Please let me know that after submitting the application details, can I have a chance to correct the details which are entered wrong in SC Post Metric Scholarship.

  • I belong to SC and I am studying Diploma 1st semester. May I know how to register and also know when is the last day for registration.

  • I belong to SC category and studying Engineering 1st Semester. How can I register myself in Karnataka Social Welfare Department to avail Scholarship and weaver of tuition fee? Can anyone guide me?

  • I have received SC scholarship in 2nd PUC, whether I need to renewal the application (or) need to apply freshly for this year B.E separately. Income certificate should have my name (or) my father name.

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