dcescholarship.kerala.gov.in DCE BPHFC Blind/PH Scholarship 2019-20

Organisation : Kerala Directorate of Collegiate Education (DCE Scholarship)
Scholarship Name : BPHFC 2019-20 Blind/PH Scholarship
Applicable For : Blind/PH/Deaf Students
Applicable State : Kerala
Last Date : 15.11.2019 (Date is Extended)
Website : http://collegiateedu.kerala.gov.in/?page_id=348

DCE Scholarship BPHFC

Kerala Directorate of Collegiate Education invites online applications for Blind/PH Scholarship Fresh for the year 2019-20.

DCE Kerala Scholarship 2019-20 :
1. DMS District Merit Scholarship Renewal

2. HS Hindi Scholarship

3. MNS Muslim Nadar Girls Scholarship

4. SJMS Suvarna Jubilee Merit Scholarship

5. SSE Sanskrit Scholarship

6. MFAS Music Fine Arts Scholarship

7. MSCST Merit Scholarship to Children of School Teachers

8. PMS Post Matric Scholarship

9. PMSD Post Metric Scholarship For Disabilities

10. SMS State Merit Scholarship

11. CSS Central Sector Scholarship

Who Can Apply?

Blind/PH/Deaf students studying in Govt/Aided Arts and Science Colleges, Music Colleges, and Govt/Aided Higher Secondary/Vocational Higher Secondary Schools

Important Dates

Fresh :
** Online Applications Starting Date is 01-08-2019
** Online Applications Last Date is 31-10-2019

How to Apply?

Just follow the below steps to apply for the Blind/PH Scholarship Fresh 2019-20.

Steps :
Step 1 : Go to the official website of Kerala Directorate of Collegiate Education through the URL http://collegiateedu.kerala.gov.in/?page_id=348

Step 2 : Then Click on the Blind/PH Scholarship under Types of Scholarship.
Step 3 : Next read the instructions carefully and click on the Apply Online link

Step 4 : If you have not registered, Please signup for new registration. click on the New Registration link in the Login page

Step 5 : Fill the form with the following details and Finally click on Submit button
1. Registration Details of Matriculation or Equivalent Examination
2. Personal Details
3. Permanent Address
4. Communication Address

5. Details of Present Institution and Course
6. Details of course based on which scholarship is being sought
7. Bank Details
8. Password Settings

Step 6 : Accept the declarations, type the captcha image and finally click on the Submit button

Step 7 : After complete your registration you can Login with your Registration Id, Date of Birth and Password to complete the application.

Note :
Please use your SSLC or equivalent examination details to fill in the first paragraph of your Registration. The registration will be invalid if any other detail is used.

Financial Support

** Fee Charges for Blind students with family annual income below Rs. 2.5 lakhs
** Hostel charges for all PH students who are hostellers and whose family annual income is below Rs. 4.5 lakhs/-

Notification :

** Boarding charges for all PH students who are day scholars and whose family annual income is below Rs. 4.5 lakhs


1. Can I edit the information already saved and up to what time?
Allows the candidate to edit his/ her personal details related to Online Registration. This feature has restrictions if the application is verified by the Institution.

2. What happens, if I detect mistakes after forwarding the applications to the institutes?
You should intimate the institution regarding the mistakes. The institution can revert the verification status, which allows you to edit the details. Correct the details, take the print out and resubmit the print out to the institution for online verification.

3. What is Registration ID number
This will facilitate to authenticate your Identity and will help in avoiding duplication

4. Can I apply one or more scholarship
yes, you can apply one or more scholarship

5. What should I do, if I do not find my institute name in the drop- down menu?
You should immediately approach the institute to contact Scholarship Office .

Categories Kerala
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