LPU LPUTABS Trial & Audition Based Scholarship 2018 : Lovely Professional University

Organisation : Lovely Professional University LPU
Scholarship Name : LPUTABS 2018 Trial & Audition Based Scholarship
Exam Dates : 15th June 2018 & 10th July 2018
Application Last Date : 3 days before the date of test
Website : http://www.lpu.in/lputabs/index.php

LPU LPUTABS Scholarship

In order to extend an opportunity to applicants who could not derive the benefit of sports or cultural scholarship scheme of University, LPU launches Trial/Audition based scholarship scheme (LPUTABS).

This is an effort to unearth talent for the University team and provide financial support to students qualifying the trials/Auditions.

How To Apply?

** Candidates can apply for LPUTABS-2018 only after taking the admission. Application form for LPUTABS-2018 is available in Part C of Prospectus 2018.
** Cost of Prospectus 2018 (Application Fee) is Rs. 500 (for Male), and Rs. 200 (for Female).
** Application fee once paid will not be refunded.
** Applicant may obtain Prospectus 2018 from University Campus / Camp Offices or any other prescribed place by paying cash or through Demand Draft drawn in favour of “Lovely Professional University” payable at Jalandhar.

The form filled in all respects should be submitted:
** In person, either at the Admission Office at the University Campus or at the designated Camp Offices of the University or at such other places as specified by the University;
** Or by registered post/ courier at the University Campus only.

The University will not be responsible for any loss or postal delay and no correspondence/ inquiry will be entertained in this regard.

Schedule of Trial/ Audition

Structure of Trials

The trial will be evaluated on the basis of information given in your applications, and the following aspects

** Fitness Test: speed, strength, endurance etc.
** Technical Knowledge and performance in the Game: Involving technical and tactical knowledge and skills of game
** Previous Experience/ Achievements: Previous achievements at the National/ State/ AIU/ District Level etc.

Structure of Audition

The audition will be evaluated on the basis of the information given in your application, and the following parameters:

** Performance: Technical execution, stage presence, ensemble rapport/ soloist strength may be tested for the judgment.
** Technical Knowledge: Technical and tactical knowledge and skills of Dance/ Drama/ Music/ Theatre etc.
** Previous Experience/ Achievements: Previous achievements at the National/ State/ AIU/ District Level etc.

Hall Ticket/ Admit Card

** Hall Ticket will be generated 48 hrs. after receipt of the application form at the university campus.
** Hall Ticket will be sent to the applicant on his/her registered e-mail ID.
** Hall Ticket/ Admit Card can also be obtained from the university campus at the time of reporting for appearing in Trial/Audition.


Result will be prepared on the basis of performance in Trial/Audition will be displayed on the University website (www.lpu.in).

** Schedule/Date(s) of Test may be changed by the university, as and if required
** Applicant can select one of the schedule and one of the time slots with that schedule
** Applicants will be allowed to appear for LPUTABS-2018 only once.

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