jksocialwelfare.nic.in Financial Assistance To Gad Hanjis : Jammu Kashmir Social Welfare

Organisation : Jammu Kashmir Social Welfare Department
Scholarship Name : Financial Assistance To Gad Hanjis
Applicable For : Fisheries License Holders
Applicable State : Jammu Kashmir
Website : https://jksocialwelfare.nic.in/

JK Social Welfare Financial Assistance To Gad Hanjis

Under this scheme, License holders are provided nylon twine in shape of financial assistance.

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Funding pattern the scheme is funded by the State Govt. Sanctioning authority District Level Committee headed by DDC and Member Secretary is District Social Welfare Officer. Distt. Dev. Commissioner : Chairman; Distt. Social Welfare Officer : Member; Asstt. Director Fisheries : Member


** License Holders paying annual fee of Rs 50/- are provided nylon Twine which amounts Rs 500.
** License Holders paying annual fee of Rs 40/- are provided nylon Twine which amounts Rs 400.
** License Holders paying annual fee of Rs 30/- are provided nylon Twine which amounts Rs 300.
** License Holders paying annual fee of Rs 20/- are provided nylon Twine which amounts Rs 200.

Eligibility Criteria

Under this scheme, License holders from Fisheries Department whose annual income does not exceed Rs 3600/-.

Documents Required

** Income Certificate.
** Copy of License and Receipt of fees.

How To Apply?

** Fisherman to apply to AD Fisheries.

Whom To Contact?

** District Social Welfare Officer
** AD Fisheries.

About JK Social Welfare :
The Social Welfare Department came into existence in the State of J&K in the year 1960. It plays an important role in addressing problems of weaker sections of the society, Like Old Age Persons, Women in Distress, Physically Challenged People, Mal-Nourished children Lactating and expecting women, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes and other Economically Weaker Sections of the Society.

In the priority of our National Development, the commitment towards welfare of under-privileged and the down trodden, backward and vulnerable sections of the society is tremendous.

The role of the Social Welfare in fulfillment of this commitment thus becomes important among the various sections and classes of our population, there is lot of deprivation and neglect and the Social Welfare Department has to be instrumental for removing the distress of these sections through amelioration and anti- poverty measures.

About Social Welfare Centers:
The main objective of the Social Welfare Centers is impart the traininmg in various trades viz: cutting tailoring, Embroidery, Knitting and Curshia Work etc to the female folk to enable them to start their Income generating units. The Social Welfare Centers are operated under the State sponsored scheme run by the department.

Under this Scheme the stipend of Rs 100/- Per Month is also given to the candidate under training. The candidates must be between the age of 14 to 35 years and the minimum qualification of the candidate should be middle pass or above.

Categories Jammu & Kashmir
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