ICHR JRF Junior Research Fellowship 2018-19 : Indian Council of Historical Research

Organisation : Indian Council of Historical Research
Scholarship Name : ICHR JRF Junior Research Fellowship 2018-19
Application Last Date : 24.01.2018
Website : http://ichr.ac.in/
Notification : www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/20910-JRF.pdf

ICHR JRF Junior Research Fellowship

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the JRF of ICHR. Duly filled in application forms should reach the undersigned on or before 24.01.2018.

Update : ICHR Junior Research Fellowship JRF 2019-20 : www.scholarships.net.in/32431.html

The selected fellows will be awarded fellowship of Rs. 17600/- (Rupees seventeen thousand and six hundred only) per month pluscontingency grant of Rs. 16500/- (Rupees sixteen thousand and five hundred only) per annum for a period of Two years.

A. The maximum number of Junior Research Fellowships to be awarded for 2018-2019 are eighty (80) only, applying the usual reservation for SC, ST & PwD.
B. The Fellowship is a whole-time engagement for research work and cannot be combined with any other whole-time or part-time work (for details see Terms and Conditions in the ICHR Research Funding Rules booklet, ‘Chapter-II- Fellowships’ which is available in our official website i.e. www.ichr.ac.in
C. The period of the Fellowship shall be for a maximum period of Two years.
D. Award of JRF will be based on a written Entrance Test only.

Important Dates

** Online submission of JRF application opens on : 14.12.2017
** Last date for online submission : 14.01.2018
** Last date for submitting printouts of applications submitted online : 24.01.2018
** The JRF examination will be held on : 11.03.2018 (between 10-00am & 1-00pm)


Candidates who have registered in recognized Universities for Ph.D. programme in History and its allied subjects are eligible to apply for the Fellowship (JRF).


Unit- I: Ancient Indian History
1. Trends in Indian Historiography (Ancient, Medieval, Modern).
2. Sources of Indian History – Archaeological and Literary (Indigenous and Foreign).
3. Ancient historical geography; physical features; climate and flora-fauna.
4. Pre-historic and Proto-historic India.
5. Rise of Civilisations – Indus Valley and Gangetic plains.
6. Vedic Culture – Literature; Religious practices; Society; Economy and Polity.
7. Mahajanapadas, Jainism and Buddhism.
8. Mauryas; Kushanas; Sangam Age and Satavahanas, Guptas; Vakatakas and Harshvardhana.
9. Pallavas; Chalukyas; Rashtrakutas; Cholas. Gurjara–Pratiharas and Palas.
10. Polity; Society; Economy; Art; Architecture; Literature; Science & Technology.
11. Expansion of Bharatiya culture beyond seas.

Unit- II: Medieval Indian History
1. Arab and Turkish Invasions.
2. Delhi Sultanate – Polity; Society; Economy; Art; Architecture; Science & Technology
3. Kakatiyas; Hoyaslas; Yadavas – Society; Economy; Art and Architecture.
4. Vijayanagara, Bahamani and its successive states; and Nayakas.
5. Mughal Rule – Polity; Administration; Economy; Art; Architecture and Literature.
6. Rise of Shivaji and Marathas.
7. Culture – Religious movements – Advaita; Visishtadvaita; Dvaita; Bhakti and Sufism.

Unit-III: Modern Indian History:
1. Advent of European Powers in India.
2. East India Company & Consolidation of the British power.
3. Institutional and Cultural Changes (Revenue; Education; Law; Army; Bureaucracy; Police; Society and Culture etc.)
4. Response to British rule: Early protest movements; Making of the Revolt of 1857.
5. Social – Religious reform movements.
6. Economic History: major processes and debates.
7. Beginning of Indian Nationalism and early political associations. The Indian National Congress and Revolutionaries.
8. Wahabis; Deobandi Movement; Aligarh Movement & the Muslim League. Khilafat Movement; Politics of Identity and the Partition of India.
9. Mahatma Gandhi and Freedom Struggle; Subhash Chandra Bose and INA.
10. Agrarian Movements, Tribal revolts and Working Class Struggles.
11. Social Reform Movements in 20th Century – Mahatma Phule; Periyar; Narayan Guru and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar etc.
12. Indian Independence and Integration of Princely States. Making of the Constitution and the Establishment of the Republic. Reorganisation of States. The New Government – Polices and Planning.
13. Major International Political Developments in 20th Century: Imperialism; World Wars I & II, League of Nations, Decolonization, the UNO, and the Commonwealth.

Examination Format

a) 30 Objective type questions for one mark each (Total 30 marks)
b) Total 12 Short Essay type questions out of which any 06 questions should be attempted in about 100 words each. Each question carries 05 marks. (Total 30 marks)
c) Total 06 Long Essay type questions out of which any 02 questions should be attempted in about 500 words each. Each question carries 20 marks. (Total 40 marks)
d) In the question paper cum Answer Sheet booklet, sufficient blank sheets are provided for answering essay type questions also. No additional sheets are permitted.

Examination Centres

The examination will be held at following centres of ICHR:

1) New Delhi
2) Bengaluru
3) Guwahati
4) Pune

How To Apply?

** Eligible and interested scholars may apply on-line through the ICHR website (www.ichr.ac.in)
** Hard copy of the application generated after filling of online application [with auto generated number] duly signed and along with the requisite documents should be submitted.
** The applicant should attach self attested copies of the certificates of educational qualifications, date of birth, experience and signed copy of check list etc., and send by post to the following address

Member Secretary
Indian Council of Historical Research
No. 35 Ferozeshah Road
New Delhi – 110001.

** An application fee of Rs. 200/- (Rupees two hundred only) shall be paid in the form of a Demand Draft drawn in favour of the DDO, ICHR, [payable at Delhi]. (candidates belonging to SC/ST/Persons with Disability (PWD) category are exempted from payment of the fee).
** Submission of application both online and printout of the same along with computer generated unique ID number is mandatory. Hard copies of applications without unique Id. Number will not be accepted.

Note :
Second class (sleeper) Railway or bus fare chargeable by the shortest routes from Railway Station/Bus Stand nearest to their normal place of residence or from where they actually perform the journey, whichever is nearer to the place of examination will be reimbursed to the SC/ST and PwD candidates on production of ticket(s), provided the distance travelled is not less than 30 kms.)

General Conditions

1. All JRF applicants should apply through proper channel (Recommended by the Research Supervisor and Forwarded by the Head of the Department/Centre/Principal). Besides the Hall-tickets the candidates are required to produce their photo ID card authenticated by their respective Universities.

2. Indian Council of Historical Research reserves the right:
a. to fix criteria for screening the applications of the candidates for their suitability to take examination;
b. to decrease the number of fellowships on its own discretion.
c. not to award any of the advertised fellowships.

3. Application of Reservation rules in the award of Fellowships is subject to certain clarifications to be received from the Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India.
4. Applications for JRF should be submitted along with non-refundable fee of Rs. 200/- in the form of Demand Draft/Bankers Cheque drawn in favour of “DDO, ICHR” payable at Delhi. (Any deviation from the prescribed mode of payment will not be acceptable.)
5. Incomplete applications as well as the applications received after the prescribed date will be rejected.
6. Online submission of application is a must and can be done via ICHR website (www.ichr.ac.in).

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