Distance Education 360 Spring 2018 Scholarship : distanceeducation360.com

Organisation : Distance Education 360
Scholarship Name : Spring 2018 Scholarship
Applicable For : Anyone, who is pursuing a degree program
Application Last Date : 30th March 2018
Website : https://distanceeducation360.com/scholarship/

Distance Education 360 Spring Scholarship

The DistanceEducation360.Com to offer bi-yearly $500 scholarships In a poll conducted by The Huffington Post, some scary facts came out in the poll results.

Related : GrabOn India Bi-annual $1000 Scholarship Award : www.scholarships.net.in/17533.html

Most Americans believe that the cost of a college education is unaffordable. A majority of 62 percent Americans agreed that most people cannot afford the cost of the college education, according to the poll results.

Every year thousands of students choose to drop college education because of the high college education cost. We, at DistanceEducation360.Com, value the education, and want to help people in need.

We believe that every student should get an equal chance to pursue their education, irrespective of their financial condition. Everyone should get the best possible education so that they can live a life they deserve.

To make all this come true, organizations has to come forward to help the needy. We’re excited today to announce two scholarships each year, each worth $500, to individuals who are attending an accredited college or graduate school.

Scholarship Amount

There are two yearly scholarships of amount $500 each.

Special Note:
There will be one scholarship awarded in the spring semester and one scholarship awarded in the fall.

Important Dates

** Last Date to Submit Application for Spring scholarship: 30 March
** Last Date to Submit Application for Fall scholarship: 30 September

Who Can Apply?

** Anyone, who is pursuing a degree program from an accredited college or graduate school, is eligible to apply for this scholarship.
** You may be asked to present the proof of enrollment in a degree program from an accredited college or graduate school.

How To Apply?

** In order to apply for the Spring 2018 scholarship, write an essay up to 1500 words long on the topic “What is the best career option after MBA and why?”
** Essay must be received by 30 March 2018 09:00 A.M PST
** Applications should be emailed in Word format to scholarship@distanceeducation360.com
** The essay must be plagiarism free, unique and creative.
** Applicants must include their full name, email, phone in their application.
** Applicants should also mention where they are currently attending their degree program.
** No additional information should be included in the application.
** Once the application Last Date is over, we’ll judge the essays on thoughtfulness, the value of the information, creativity, uniqueness, style, grammar, and few other factors.
** The winners will be announced on 15 April 2018.

We’re looking forward to read your applications. We hope some in need will win this scholarship.

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