textile.iitd.ac.in Institute Merit-cum-Means MCM Scholarships : IIT Delhi Department of Textile Technology

Organization : IIT Delhi Department of Textile Technology
Scholarship Name : Institute Merit-cum-Means MCM Scholarships
Applicable For : Under-Graduate Students in Engineering & Technology
Location : Delhi

Website : https://textile.iitd.ac.in/

Institute Merit-cum-Means (MCM) Scholarships :
The Institute offers Merit-cum-Means scholarships to under-graduate students in engineering and technology. These are permissible to about 25% of students. The present value of Merit-cum-Means scholarship is Rs. 300 per month for general students and the recipient is exempted from paying tuition fee. The 4-year B.Tech., 5-year Dual-degree and 5-year Integrated M.Tech. students are eligible to receive Merit-cum- Means scholarship at the time of joining the Institute. The criterion of merit for first year is All India Rank (AIR) in the JEE. The scholarships are renewed on a yearly basis until he/she clears all academic requirements of the programme, provided that he/she continues to satisfy the eligibility and continuation criteria (will be notified later). For continuation of MCM, performance of the students will be reviewed at the end of each semester. The first such review will be held at the end of the second semester. On the criterion of means only those students are presently eligible whose parents have gross yearly income up to Rs. 1 lac per annum for all categories of students including SC/ST students. The terms and conditions of the award of scholarship are laid down in the rules and regulations thereof in force and are subject to change from time to time.

Institute Merit Prizes and Certificates:
The Institute offers merit prizes and certificates to the top 7% of the students of each 4-year B.Tech, 5-year Dualdegree and 5-year Integrated M.Tech. programme each semester up to the 8th/10th semester. The value of merit prize is Rs.2500.

Institute Free Studentship:
The Institute offers free studentship to 10% of the students on the basis of means alone.

Post – Graduate:
Scheme for Financial Assistance : M.Tech. and Ph.D. students:
The Institute does not award any scholarship to the students of M.Tech. and Ph.D. programmes. However, a scheme for financial assistance is in operation. The sponsored (full-time as well as part-time) however, not eligible for the benefit of this scheme. Apart from the above teaching/research assistantships, there are a number of fellowships and scholarships instituted by industries and individuals. For more information please contact the department. It should be noted that admission to programmes and award of assistantship are not linked. Admission to any programme does not guarantee the award of assistantship. Those who are not awarded Assistantship can continue with the programme as self-financing students.

The financial assistance is awarded as under :
M.Tech. :
A scheme for the award of Teaching/Research Assistantships for providing financial assistance to the students of M.Tech. programmes exists. In term of this scheme, students admitted to M.Tech. programmes on full-time basis are considered for the award of Half-time research/teaching assistantship of Rs. 5,000/- per month. The maximum duration for which Assistantship can be awarded to M.Tech. students is 4 semesters. In return, the student renders 8 hours per week of assistance outside his normal academic work and as assigned by the Head of the Department/ Centre/ or the interdisciplinary Programme Coordinators. In addition to Assistantship, the eligible students are given contingency grant of Rs. 5000/-p.a. in accordance with the Institute rules. Only full-time (other than sponsored students) who have qualified GATE/CEED are eligible for Assistantship. Continuation of the Assistantship is contingent on satisfactory academic performance, satisfactory performance in the discharge of responsibilities assigned under the scheme, and the minimum prescribed attendance requirement. Assistantship of students whose SGPA at the end of a semester falls below 7.00 (6.75 in the case of SC/ST/PH) is not renewed for the subsequent semester. Candidates admitted to M.Tech. programme under direct admission clause (although Textile dept. does not consider direct admission for the time being) are not normally entitled to assistantship. However, if the candidate has 95 GATE/CEED percentile (75 for SC/ST), he/she can be offered assistantship also. A large number of DAAD scholarships are also available. Indian students pursuing M.Tech. at IIT Delhi are eligible for this scholarship for doing their thesis work for about nine months at six German Universities.

Ph.D Students :
Although the Institute does not award any scholarship, a scheme for the award of Teaching/Research Assistantship for providing financial assistance to the students exists. In terms of this scheme, those students who are admitted w.e.f. July 2003. on full-time basis will be considered, on request, for the award of Teaching/Research Assistantship. They are required to render 8 hours of teaching/research assistance to the Department/Centre outside their normal academic work.

Half Time :
The number of hours of assistance required are 8. The amount is Rs. 8,000 p.m.(with B.Tech/M.Sc./M. A./M.Phil) and Rs. 9,500 p.m.(M.Tech or equivalent) In addition, students will be given contingency grant of Rs.20,000/- p.a.in accordance with the rules of the Institute. The maximum duration for which assistantship can be awarded to any Ph.D. student is 4 years. Continuation of the Assistantship is contingent on satisfactory academic performance, a minimum of 7.00 SGPA in course work each semester when course work is taken, satisfactory performance in the discharge of responsibilities assigned under the scheme and minimum prescribed attendance requirement. Ph.D. students getting Assistantship are also eligible for contingent grant as per the rules/norms of the Institute.

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