Mizoram Post Matric Scholarships To Students Belonging To Scheduled Tribes ST : mizoramscholarshipboard.in

Organization : Mizoram Scholarship Board
Scholarship Name : Post Matric Scholarships To Students Belonging To Scheduled Tribes ST
Applicable States : Mizoram
Website : https://msb.mizoram.gov.in/

MSB Mizoram Post Matric Scholarships

The objective of the scheme is to provide financial assistance to the Scheduled Tribe students studying at post matriculation or post-secondary stage to enable them to complete their education.

Related / Similar Scholarship :

MSB Mizoram National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme NMMS 2023-24

Mizoram Scholarship Board Post Matric Scholarship for Minority Students

Scope :
These scholarships are available for studies in India only and are awarded by the Government of the State/Union Territory Administration to which the applicant actually belongs i.e. where permanently settled.

Conditions Of Eligibility

i) The scholarships are open to nationals of India.
ii) These scholarships will be given for the study of all recognized post matriculation for post-secondary courses pursued in recognized institutions with the following exceptions :

“Scholarships are not awarded for training courses like Aircraft Maintenance Engineer’s Courses and Private Pilot Licence courses, courses at Training – Ship Dufferin (Now Rajendra),courses of training at the Military College, Dehradun and courses at pre-examination training centres of all India and State levels.”

iii) Only those candidates who belong to Scheduled Tribes so specified in relation to the State/Union Territory to which the applicant actually belongs (i.e. permanently settled) and who have passed the Matriculation or Higher Secondary or any higher examination of a recognized University or Board of Secondary Education, will be eligible.

iv) Candidates who after passing one stage of education are studying in the same stage of education in a different subject e.g. I.Sc after I.A. or B.Com after B.A. or M.A. in other subject will not be eligible.

v) Students who, after having completed their educational career in one professional line, wish to study for another profession e.g. LLB after B.T./B.Ed. will not be eligible. From the academic year 1980-81, however, studies in two professional courses are allowed.

vi) Students studying in Class XI of Higher Secondary Schools which have a continues school course of 12th class will not be eligible. However, in cases where the X class examination of such courses is treated as equivalent to Matriculation and students after passing tenth class can join other courses, such students will be treated as post-matric students and will be eligible for the award of scholarships.

vii) Students pursuing post-graduate courses in medicine will be eligible if they are not allowed to practice during the period of their course.

viii) Students who after failing or passing the under graduate/post-graduate examinations in Arts/Science/Commerce join any recognized professional or technical certificate/diploma/degree courses will be awarded scholarships if otherwise eligible.

ix) Students who pursue their studies through correspondence courses are also eligible. The term correspondence includes distant and continuing education.
x) Employed students who take leave without pay for the entire duration of the course and study as full time students will be eligible for scholarships.

xi) All children of the same parents/guardians will be entitled to receive benefits of the scheme.
xii) A scholarship holder under this scheme will not hold any other scholarship/stipend.

xiii) Students who have already received coaching in any of the preexamination training centres with financial assistance from the Government will not be eligible.

i) Maintenance allowance is payable from 1st April or from the month of admission, whichever is later, to the month in which the examinations are completed, at the end of the academic year (including maintenance allowance during holidays), provided that if the scholar secures admission after the 20th day of a month, the amount will be paid from the month following the month of admission.

ii) In case of renewal of scholarship awarded in the previous years, maintenance allowance will be paid from the month following the month upto which scholarship was paid in the previous year, if the course of study is continuous.

iii) The Government of the State/Union Territory Administration, to which the student belongs, in accordance with the procedure laid down by them in this regard, will pay the scholarship money to the selected students.

iv) Scholarship will not be paid for the period of internship/housemanship in the M.B.B.S. course or for a practical training in other course if the student is in receipt of some remuneration during the internship period or some allowance/stipend during the practical training in other course.

Other Conditions for Award

i) The scholarship is dependent on the satisfactory progress and conduct of the scholars. If it is reported by the Head of the Institution at any time that a scholar has by reasons of his/her own act of default failed to make satisfactory progress or has been guilty of misconduct such as resorting to or participating in strikes, irregularity in attendance without the permission of the authorities concerned etc., the authority sanctioning the scholarship may either cancel the scholarship or stop or withhold further payment for such period as it may think fit.

ii) If a student is found to have obtained a scholarship by false statements, his/her scholarship will be cancelled forthwith and the amount of the scholarship paid will be recovered, at the discretion of the concerned State Government. The student concerned will be blacklisted and debarred for scholarship in any scheme forever.

iii) A scholarship awarded may be cancelled if the scholar changes the subject of the course of study for which the scholarship was originally awarded or changes the Institution of study, without prior approval of the State Government.

The Head of the Institution shall report such cases to them and stop payment of the scholarship money. The amount already paid may also be recovered at the discretion of the State Government.

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