Federal Bank 2017 Fedbank Hormis Memorial Foundation Scholarships : federalbank.co.in

Organisation : Federal Bank
Scholarship Name : Fedbank Hormis Memorial Foundation Scholarships 2017 Batch
Applicable For : College Students
Applicable State : Kerala,Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Maharashtra
Application Last Date : 10th November 2017.
Website : https://www.federalbank.co.in/
Scholarships Details : https://www.federalbank.co.in/scholarships
Application Form: https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/18618-Form.pdf

Fedbank Foundation Scholarships :

Fedbank Hormis Memorial Foundation, the public charitable trust formed by Federal Bank to perpetuate the fond memories of its founder K.P. Hormis, has invited applications for the Foundation’s scholarships for 2017 Batch.

Update : Federal Bank Hormis Memorial Foundation Scholarships 2018 : www.scholarships.net.in/31786.html

Applications for scholarships are invited from students studying in the states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Maharashtra for Medicine (MBBS), Engineering (B.E/B.Tech), Agriculture (B.Sc) including BSc (Hons) Co operation & Banking with Agriculture Sciences conducted by Agriculture Universities, Nursing (B.Sc) and MBA courses.

Twenty students in each discipline, of which one seat will be kept aside for a physically challenged student (duly evidenced by a certificate issued by a Medical Officer not below the rank of DMO or an approved Medical Officer of the Bank), will be reimbursed 100% of the fees as per the fee structure for seats allotted in the Government quota in Govt., Aided and Self-financing colleges, subject to a maximum of Rs. 1,00,000/- in a year up to the normal completion of course.

If there are no sufficient applicants in the ‘physically challenged’ category, then cases of less than 40% also will be considered. Any disruption on account of any kind of failure will make the student ineligible for scholarships. If applications are not received from eligible candidates under ‘physically challenged’, it will be utilized under general category.

** The student should be of Indian origin and from the states of Kerala,Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Maharashtra, in any of the Govt./Aided/Self-financing colleges duly recognised by any of the Universities in India. The fees should be in parity with the fees approved by the Govt, for Aided/Self-financing colleges under merit list.
** The student should have secured admission under Merit List during the academic year 2017-18 in the respective course.
** Family income of the student should be below Rs. 3.00 lakh per annum.
** The decision on selection of eligible students and on payment of the scholarship by the Managing Trustee shall be final & binding on all concerned.
** Incomplete applications are not considered
** Hard copy of the application along with the documents is only accepted and soft copy is not accepted
** Applicant Should not hold scholarship from any other institution or trust

If shortlisted for interview, the following documents are to be submitted in original for verification along with a self-attested photocopy of the same.

Documents Required :
Mark list of the qualifying examination in original or duly attested copy of the same by the Principal of the college where you are studying at present.
** Bonafide certificate from the College stating that you are d

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