fcssport.com Scholarships For Students Punjab : F.C. Sondhi Charitable Trust

Organization : F.C. Sondhi Charitable Trust
Scholarship Name : Scholarships For Students
Applicable For : 6th class to M.A
Applicable States : Punjab

Website : https://www.fcssport.com/

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Scholarship of Nehru Sidhant Kender Trust Punjab : www.scholarships.net.in/1091.html


F.C. Sondhi Charitable Trust has been giving scholarships for the last 25 years or so. First we used to offer scholarships to all school going children, but then realized that cost of education in lower classes is nominal.

Each application is verified by a visit to the home of the students

We now entertain application from 6th class to M.A.

Verification is done to confirm the facts entered on the fairly comprehensive application form. Our aim is to help all genuine cases who come to us.

In number 40% of our scholarships are sponsored by donors. We have a policy that every paisa of donated money will be used for the scholarship, and all administration costs will be borne by the Trust.

Brilliant Scholarships:

A relatively new scholarship scheme also has been started by F.C. Sondhi Chartibale Trust for needy but brilliant students. Those that get 65% or more marks in Science subject or 70% or more marks in Commerce subjects, will be given more financial assistance than other students. When these students complete their education and begin to start a successful life, they will be expected to repay society by themselves sponsoring another brilliant and needy student.

Grants to the Needy:

After starting the scholarship scheme, it came to our notice that widows faced many problems. A scheme was started to give grants to widows. Our aim is to help elderly widows and other destitute people and we are giving financial aid which is more than the old age pension offered by Punjab Government. In some cases, we have helped ladies who come to us, to apply for and get the government pension also. Since the beneficiaries are quite aged, we have devised a scheme so that they receive their grant at their doorsteps.

A few other needy people are also being helped by our Trust with a higher rate of grant .

About Trust:

F.C. Sondhi Charitable Trust came into existence on 2nd of May 1978. The major aims and objectives of the Trust are to provide help to the needy, particularly in the fields of education and vocational training. The Trust does this by studying applications from various institutions and individuals and sanctioning scholarships and grants in conformity with the above mentioned ideals. The trust is actually named after Mr. F.C. Sondhi who inspired its formation.

F.C.Sondhi & CO. (INDIA) PVT. LTD.
G.T.Road, Suranussi,
Jalandhar – 144 027
Punjab – India.

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