dheassam.gov.in 2017-18 Combined Merit Scholarship : DHE Assam

Organisation : Assam Director of Higher Education
Scholarship Name : Combined Merit Scholarship 2017-18
Applicable For : First Year Students
Applicable State : Assam
Website : https://highereducation.assam.gov.in/
Notification : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/18130-Merit.pdf
Application Form : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/18130-Form.pdf

DHE Combined Merit Scholarship

Applications are invited from the deserving meritorious students for “Combined Merit Scholarship” who takes admission in general Degree 1st year and Master Degree 1st year courses for the session 2017-2018 in any recognized Colleges/Universities in the State and other States of the Country.

The Merit Scholarship is alloways published by the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council and furnished the same to the Director of Higher Education for selected the Meritorious students for awarding scholarships as per marks obtained in Higher Secondary Final Examination.

The Directorate, since its inception, has been giving away scholarships to needy and meritorious undergraduate as well as postgraduate students every year.

Quantum of Financial Assistance:
Eligible Candidates will be provided

** 600 nos. for degree @ Rs. 300/- per-month
** 240 nos. for PG @ Rs. 500/- per month

The amount will be paid as one-time scholarship through their Bank account.

Who can apply?

Students who fulfill the following criteria are eligible to apply

1) The students must have uniformly good Academic records and who have obtained at least 60% marks in the last qualifying examinations (i.e. H.S./T.D.C.).
2) The student must be a domicile of Assam.
3) Students pursuing general Degree and Master Degree course in Arts/Science/ Commerce discipline for the session 2017-2018.

How to apply?

1. Intending candidates may collect the Application Form from the Director of Higher Education, Assam’s Website www.dheassam.gov.in

2. Copies of the following supporting documents(attested by Principal) are to be attached with the Form:
a. PRC/Certificate from DC / Circle Officer / Block Officer as Proof of Domicile of State ofAssam.
b. Certificate From the Head of the Institution in which the candidate is now studying
c. Final mark sheet of last qualifying examinations (i.e. H.S./T.D.C.).
d. 1st page of Bank passbook displaying Bank Name, IFSC Code, Account Holder Name, Account Number.

3. Fill up the form with all the relevant documents attested by the Principal /Head of the Institution and submitted to the Directorate of Higher Education, Assam, Kahilipara, Guwahati 781 019 on or before 25th Sept’2017 positively through the Principal /Head of the Institution. No application will be received after last date.

National Merit Scholarships :
The National Merit Scholarship had been discontinued by Govt. of India from April,2007 as inform by Assam Higher Secondary Education council Govt. may be informed accordingly.

National Merit Scholarship for Non-Hindi Speaking Students :
Application are invited by the Director of Higher Education, Assam, through Advertisement from the Non-Hindi speaking eligible students. Accordingly the Director of Higher Education, Assam selected candidates as per to marks prescribed in the Advertisement.

Contact Address :
Assam Government Directorate of Technical Education
Directorate of Higher Education
Kahilipara, Guwahati 781019

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