DHE eMedhabruti Odisha 2017-18 Medhabruti Scholarship Online Application : dheodisha.gov.in

Organization : Odisha DHE Department of Higher Education e-Medhabruti Portal
Scholarship Name : 2017-18 Medhabruti Scholarship Online Application
Applicable State : Odisha
Website : http://www.medhabruti.org/index.aspx
Guidelines : https://scholarship.odisha.gov.in/website/scholarship-list
Apply Here : https://dhe.odisha.gov.in/

Medhabruti Scholarship :

Guidelines for selection of students for award of different scholarship under “Medhabruti” Scheme for the year 2017-18.

Related / Similar Post : Odisha eMedhabruti Scholarship 2019-20

The Government of Odisha in Higher Education Department have been awarding scholarship each year for encouragement to the meritorious students for prosecuting their higher studies in the field of general { +2 (Jr.), +3 (Sr.) & P.G.}

Courses as well as Technical/Professional education. This has necessitated for issue of guidelines pertaining to the selection procedure of eligible students for award of such scholarship.

Four types of scholarship are being awarded by the Higher Education Department :

Sl# Type

Quantum (in Nos.)

01 Junior Merit ( for + 2 students)


02 Senior Merit (for + 3 students)


03 Post Graduate


04 Technical Professional


Total(Fresh applications per year)


The minimum qualifying marks, qualifying examination, period of scholarship, quantum of students /amount, selection procedure of different -categories of scholarships are mentioned below in a tabular form for better understanding of all concerned .

The students will be eligible for scholarship only if he/she is perusing the course in the immediate successive academic year without discontinuation . (This is to ensure merit comparison is fair & objective)

General criteria / limitations for award of scholarship:
** The scholarships meant for +2, +3, & P.G. students shall be awarded to boys and girls in 50:50 ratio.
** In case, requisite numbers of candidates are not available under any category of scholarship, then the balance number of scholarship shall be awarded to the other eligible applicants of the same scholarship category.
** The income ceiling of parents shall not exceed Rs.6.00 lakh per annum.
** The concerned students shall submit income and resident certificate from the Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tahasildar / Additional Tahasildar.
** The students whose parents are working under Odisha State Government have to produce income as well as resident proof from the employer.
** A student already in receipt of any scholarship awarded by the State/Central Government or any other agency can not avail this scholarship unless he/she intends to forgo the other scholarship.
** If any student after receiving scholarship under Medhabruti receives scholarship from any other source at a higher rate, he/she shall refund the scholarship amount through the Head of the Institution by Bank Draft in favour of the ‘Under Secretary to Government , Higher Education Department‘ payable at Bhubaneswar.
** Multiple registrations by a student are strictly prohibited. If any student is found to have been indulged in such irregularity his/her application will be rejected.
** In case, requisite numbers of candidates are not available under Professional / Technical categories of scholarship, then the balance number of scholarship shall be awarded to the other eligible applicants of other streams of the same scholarship category proportionately.
** Students pursuing their higher studies through distance learning correspondence are not eligible for such scholarship.
** The technical / professional scholarship does not cover students pursuing Diploma level courses.
** The scholarship may be discontinued at any time on the report of the Head of the Educational Institution that the academic progress and conduct of the concerned student has not been satisfactory. Good conduct shall be a necessary condition of every grant / renewal of scholarship.

Mode of disbursement:
** The disbursement shall be made through Electronic Credit System (ECS). The payments shall be made to the Savings Bank Accounts of the selected students directly by the above system.
** For this on-line account transfer, the Saving Bank A/c. of the students must be in active and operative condition.
** The scholarship amount shall be disbursed in phased manner. If the scholarship amount could not be disbursed in a financial year due to any reason, the said disbursements shall be made in the next financial year.

Mode of submitting scholarship application:
** Students studying in SAMS<Student Academic Management System> Colleges (i.e., +2 / +3 students admitted to Colleges through online selection by Govt. of Odisha) need not apply separately.
** The relevant documents such as Marksheet, income, residence and bank account details are to be submitted to Principal who will upload the data online.
** Other students are requested to apply on-line for scholarship by clicking E-medhabruti link in the Government website www.dheodisha.gov.in.
** They are advised to go through the guidelines thoroughly and carefully before filling the form on-line.
** The students are required to submit the downloaded form along with supporting documents to the Head of the Institution where he / she is continuing higher study.
** All applied records will be displayed in the Principal’s login who will verify the same.
** Outside students shall submit the hard copy of the downloaded application forms duly countersigned by his / her Head of the Institution along with copies of supporting documents to the Under Secretary (Scholarship), Higher Education Department, Odisha Secretariat, Bhubaneswar – 751001’ by Registered Post within the stipulated time for consideration in the Higher Education Department .
** Concerned students are advised to keep a copy of the downloaded application form for their future reference.
** Duties of the Head of the Educational Institution : The Head of the Institution after receiving the applications shall verify the correctness of the information viz. income & residential certificate, marks, bank details submitted by the students as per the documents submitted. After verification, the Head of the Institutions shall authenticate online for considering the student for selection under e-Medhabruti.

Duties of OCAC, Bhubaneswar :
** Complete online system for SAMS and non SAMS colleges will be developed as per the prescribed criteria mentioned in the medhabruti guidelines for the year 2017-18.
** In this regard, application training will be imparted to all stake holders by the Odisha Computer Application Centre, Bhubaneswar.
** All activities and deliverables relating eMedhabruti applications is also to be managed smoothly by the OCAC, Bhubaneswar.

Renewal of Scholarship:
After careful consideration, Government have been pleased to make the scholarship for any student once awarded under Medhabruti Scheme automatically renewable from year to year till completion of the course subject to student continuing in the course as authenticated online by the Principal.

The online authentication procedure for fresh and renewal cases for SAMS and non SAMs colleges is explained in the Instruction Manual available in www.medhabruti.org

Key Dates :

SL# Activities Date Lines
1 Last date of authentication by the Principals (SAMS Colleges) for fresh & renewal 2016-17 31-October-2017
2 Last date for verification of Fresh scholarship (SAMS Colleges) for 2017-18 is 17-October-2017
3 Last date for verification of Renewal scholarship (SAMS Colleges) for 2017-18 is 31-October-2017
4 Last date of Principal Aunthentication (Non-SAMS Colleges) for 2016-17 fresh & renewal 31-October-2017
5 Last date of Online Application for Students (Non-SAMS Colleges) 17-October-2017
6 Last date of Principal Aunthentication (Non-SAMS Colleges) for 2017-18 fresh & renewal 31-October-2017

Helpline Toll Free Number :155335 / 18003456770

View Comments (6)

  • Government have been declared 7th Pay Commission during 2016. But, the income slab of the parents has not been changed and fixed at Rs.6.00 lakhs per annum for which most of the meritorious students in getting Technical Medhabruti are debarred from the scholarship for the year 2018-19. So the rule for medhabruti is meaningless. Please look into the matter at the earliest.

  • I am a student of Balasore college of Engineering and Technolog. I am selected for e-medhabturi scholarship but why I can't get scholarship. Please tell me.

  • I am Nirmalya Padhiary from BCET College Balasore. I am selected for Medhabruti but I can't get my money till now. Please help me.

    • The dateline for online renewal authentication/ validation for all categories at the level of Principals/ Head of the Institution for the year 2016-17 and 2017-18 is hereby extended upto 30th December 2017

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