nbhm.dae.gov.in Teacher Fellowship : National Board For Higher Mathematics

Organization : National Board for Higher Mathematics
Scholarship Name : Teacher Fellowship
Applicable For : College/ University Teachers
Applicable States : All India

Website : http://www.nbhm.dae.gov.in/

Teacher Fellowship:
Teacher Fellowships are offered to teachers in a college or a university department who are working towards their Ph.D. in mathematicsand have already made some progress in that direction. They are offered for a maximum period of three years. Persons under this fellowship scheme are entitled to receive a stipend equivalent to their total emoluments (excluding special allowances, if any) provided the person is not receiving a salary from any other source. In addition, they will be entitled to receive Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) per month as displacement allowance in case they work during the tenure of fellowship at an institute or university located in a city different from their place of current employment.

The teachers who are working for their Ph.D. in their own Institutions are entitled to a grant not exceeding Rs. 5,000/- (Rs. Five Thousand only) per year for travel in connection with reference work and discussions.

Applications for such fellowship should be made on plain paper and include:
(a) Detailed Curriculum Vitae
(b) details of the progress already made in the topic of research, and
(c) a letter of consent from the thesis supervisor. In addition, the employing college or university should agree to grant leave to the candidate during the tenure of the fellowship.

It is expected that the candidate will return to the parent institution at the end of the fellowship.

About NBHM:
The National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM) was set up by the Government of India under the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), in the year 1983, to foster the development of higher mathematics in the country, to formulate policies for the development of mathematics, help in the establishment and development of mathematical centres and give financial assistance to research projects and to doctoral and postdoctoral scholars. NBHM functions essentially autonomously framing its own budget taking into account the funds made available by DAE. The objectives of the board are: to promote the growth of higher mathematics in the country; and to coordinate activities for the development of mathematics

Contact Address:
National Board for Higher Mathematics
Department of Atomic Energy
Anushakti Bhavan
C.S.M. Marg
Mumbai 400 001

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