Digjyoti Scholarships 2017-18 : Charitable Educational Trust

Organisation : Digjyoti Charitable Educational Trust
Scholarship Name : Digjyoti Scholarships 2017-18
Applicable For : Poor/Orphan/Disadvantaged Children
Application Last Date : 25th August, 2017
Website : https://digjyoti.org/
Application Form : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/14933-Form.pdf

Digjyoti Scholarships:

Digjyoti- a Charitable Educational Trust invites applications to be received by the last dates fixed for each for the following scholarships during the academic year 2017-18 for higher education of meritorious poor orphan/disadvantaged children

Update : Digjyoti 2018-19 Nemi Chand Jain Scholarship : www.scholarships.net.in/24493.html

Scholarships For Higher Education :
Rs.10,000/- to Rs.12,000/- per annum for most deserving children in the above category, securing not less than 80% marks for higher education in any Course after Matriculation, +2 or +3.

Application Procedure :
Deserving candidates fulfilling the criteria for any one of the above scholarships may apply in the relevant prescribed Application Form with copies of required certificates and recommendations of the Principal/Dean/Director of the Colleges where admitted. The Application Form may be downloaded from the following link of DIGJYOTI’s Website- www.digjyoti.org.

The Trust (DIGJYOTI, C-24 HIG,
Housing Board Colony, Baramunda,
Bhubaneswar- 751003

Last Date :
The last date for receipt of application is 25th August, 2017.

Application Format :
Application For Digjyoti Scholarship
(To be filled by the candidate)

1. Name (in Block Letter), Address & (Contact Telephone Number , If any) of the candidate:
2. Date of Birth :
3. Name, Address & Telephone No. of the Orphanage/Institute recommending for assistance.

4. A brief background of the candidate (with supporting certificates)
(a) Family history including income of parents
(b) If orphan, whether by death of one orboth parents
(c) If he/she belongs to SC/ST/Minorit or other categories
(d) If physically handicapped, give details with supporting evidence

5. Educational Career starting from matriculation/equivalent: (Attach Xerox copy of certificates)
6. Name of the Course for which assistance is sought for.
7. Duration of the Course and the year in which presently studying ?
8. Name & Address of the College/Institution where admitted.
9. If received assistance from DIGJYOTI in previous year(s). Give details:
10. Financial assistance granted/ assured from any other source in terms of money, material, lodging & boarding etc. (give details)

Signature of the candidate :

Endorsement of the principal of the college/institution certifying the correctness of the information given and recommendation giving justification for assistance to the candidate:


Signature of the Recommending Authority (With seal, full address & contact Number)

About Digjyoti:
Digjyoti is a Charitable Educational Trust for Orphan and Poor. Learn more about Digjyoti. We just completed a decade of public service. Here is a short history of the first 10 Years of Digjyoti.

To enable orphans and other disadvantaged students to pursue higher studies, become self-sufficient and positively contribute towards society.

To provide support and guidance for higher or professional education of orphans and other disadvantaged students.

View Comments (2)

  • You are doing a great job for the orphan and poor students who cannot afford their higher studies in the future. So thanks a lot for this great work.

    • Information available from the Official Website :

      In the academic year 2007-08 there were 8 children under the Trust’s educational assistance programme who were similarly selected from orphanages in the three other interior districts – Sundargarh, Angul and Keonjhar. The Trust also sponsored two highly meritorious children for undergoing specialized coaching for OJEE under a leading Coaching Centre in Bhubaneswar. The financial assistance to the other scholars were also enhanced.

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