Wellcome DBT Basic Biomedical Research Early Career Fellowships 2017 : wellcomedbt.org

Organisation : Wellcome Trust/ DBT India Alliance
Fellowship Name : Basic Biomedical Research Early Career Fellowships 2017
Application Starts : 13th July 2017
Website : https://www.indiaalliance.org/

Early Career Fellowships :

This is a mentored Fellowship for promising newly qualified postdoctoral researchers to attain independence. The scheme provides a unique opportunity to help them make an early start in establishing their own research programme.

Related : Wellcome DBT Basic Biomedical Research Senior Fellowships 2017 : www.scholarships.net.in/13652.html

The proposed research should fall within the India Alliance’s remit which is to support biomedical research that is relevant to human and animal welfare. If you are unsure if your research programme falls within our remit, please write to info@wellcomedbt.org with your CV and a summary of your proposed research.

Eligibility :
The Early Career Fellowship (ECF) competition is open for basic science/veterinary researchers with -1 to 4 years of post-PhD research experience.

This means that you must be in the final year of your PhD studies or have no more than four years of postdoctoral research experience from the date of your PhD viva to the full application submission Last Date in order to be eligible for the competition.

It is mandatory that Early Career Fellows carry out their Fellowship project in a laboratory that is not their thesis laboratory or thesis environment.

If you have compelling reasons to continue in or return to your thesis laboratory/environment, please present these appropriately in the preliminary application and arrange for a letter from the Fellowship Supervisor commenting on this decision.

ECF is a full-time Fellowship for five years and provides:
** The Fellow’s personal support
** Research expenses, including research assistance if required
** Additional allowances (travel and overseas subsistence) for Work outside Host Institution (scientifically justified long-term training or collaborative laboratory visits anywhere in the world for up to 24 months, except in the first year and majority of the final year of the Fellowship)
** Other India Alliance contributions

Last Dates :
Applications under process; launch date for next competition : 13 July 2017 : 13-7-2017

Application process :
Preliminary Application :
All schemes, require a preliminary application on the basis of which Full applications are invited. You are required to complete and submit a preliminary application through IASys by the published Last Date. Refer to the IASys userguides for guidance on completing the application form and the submission process.

Preliminary applications are evaluated to :
1. Assess the eligibility of applicants and their research proposals
2. Check that applicants are applying for the most appropriate scheme
3. Advise on the competitiveness of the application in relation to others received in the cohort

Please ensure that you submit a complete preliminary application; the India Alliance is unwilling to take into account the delays that may be caused by an incomplete application.

Please note that if you are not invited to submit a full application in a round that you have applied to, you may re-apply to the same scheme, subject to meeting the eligibility criteria for the scheme.

Full applications :
Full applications are accepted by invitation only.

Full applications must be submitted using IASys, our online application system. The link to access the Full Application is provided in the email invitation. Applicants who have limited/unreliable access to the internet should email the Office in the first instance: info [AT] wellcomedbt.org.

Full applications require a synergistic interaction between all the individuals named on the application such as applicant, sponsor, research sponsor, fellowship supervisor, host institution administration etc., and it is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that it is submitted by the prescribed Last Date.

Late applications received due to delays caused between participants on an application will not be accepted.

Categories Fellowship/Grants
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