VSDF Saryu Doshi Post Graduate Fellowships in Liberal Arts & Sciences 2017

Organisation : Vinod & Saryu Doshi Foundation
Scholarship Name : Saryu Doshi Post Graduate Fellowships in Liberal Arts & Sciences 2017
Applicable For : Indian Citizens
Application Last Date : May 07th, 2017

Website : vsdf.org

Saryu Doshi Post Graduate Fellowships :

The Vinod & Saryu Doshi Foundation is a non-profit charity trust that supports initiatives in the fields of Art & Culture,Education and Community.

Related : Krishnakriti Foundation Art Fellowship 2017-18 : www.scholarships.net.in/13371.html

** They must have a first class degree or equivalent from a recognized Indian university.
** They must have secured admission in a foreign university of repute, on their own merit for a course commencing from August OR September OR October, 2017.
** Should be an Indian citizen
** Candidates studying in the final year of the degree or equivalent may also apply, provided they are able to submit their final year certificates before May 07th, 2017.
** Here are some examples of the fields of study which may qualify for receiving the Fellowship award.
** Please note, this is not a comprehensive list. To better understand if your field of study qualifies, do write to us at vsdfoundation@gmail.com – Click here to view list
** If you satisfy all the above criteria except that you are going to an Indian University for Post Graduation in the same areas as the Fellowship email us at vsdfoundation@gmail.com

General terms and conditions :
The Vinod & Saryu Doshi Foundation initiated these Fellowships to assist Indian nationals who have received acceptance in a University abroad to pursue their post-graduate studies (Masters, Postgraduate diploma/certificate or doctorate) in the field of Liberal Arts & Sciences.

This includes the Humanities, Social Sciences, the Natural Sciences and Mathematics.

The main aim of the fellowship program is to enhance the higher education by giving an opportunity to academically bright students who have a drive to succeed but are unable to do so due to their financial challenges.

This is a need-based merit Fellowship and abides by the Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action policy. The maximum amount for the Fellowship will be upto Rs 3 lakhs per fellow, which will be payable as a onetime amount.

Candidates applying for the Fellowship are required to satisfy the following criteria :
** They must have a first class degree or equivalent from a recognized Indian university.
** They must have secured admission in a foreign university of repute, on their own merit for a course commencing from August or September, 2017.
** Should be an Indian citizen.
** Candidates studying in the final year of the degree or equivalent may also apply, provided they are able to submit their final year certificates before May 07th, 2017.
** Here are some examples of the fields of study which may qualify for receiving the Fellowship award.
** Please note, this is not a comprehensive list. To better understand if your field of study qualifies, do write to us at vsdfoundation@gmail.com – Click here to view list
** If you satisfy all the above criteria except that you are going to an Indian University for Post Graduation in the same areas as the Fellowship email us at vsdfoundation@gmail.com

** January 2017: The Fellowship will be announced through various means including the newspaper, social media and informational posters at various Colleges and Universities in Mumbai and Pune.
** The application form is now available on our website www.vsdf.org.
** Candidates are asked to complete an application form and courier it to the Vinod & Saryu Doshi Foundation at the following address : Vinod & Saryu Doshi Foundation Post Graduate Fellowship, c/o Premier Ltd. , 58 Nariman Bhavan, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021.
** May 07th, 2017: The application form should be duly filled and submitted with all the essential enclosures to the above mentioned address before May 07th 2017.
** June 10th, 2017: The interview date will be intimated to the shortlisted candidates.
** June 19th 2017 onwards: The final interview of the candidates will take place, post the final year results
** End of July / beginning of August : Final selection announced
** August 2017: Awards are presented annually. The winners will be invited to this event. Cheques will be presented at this time subject to the student having received a valid student visa from the country in question.

If you have any questions while filling out the application form, please email us at vsdfoundation@gmail.com.

Categories Fellowship/Grants
Tags vsdf.org
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