wbmdfc.org Talent Support Programme TSP Stipend Scholarship 2016-17 : West Bengal Minorities Development & Finance Corporation

Organisation : West Bengal Minorities Development & Finance Corporation
Scholarship Name : State Govt. Sponsored Stipend under Talent Support Programme (TSP) 2016-17
Applicable State : West Bengal
Last Date : 31-01-2017

Apply Online : http://www.tsp.wbmdfc.co.in/
Website : http://www.wbmdfc.org/

Talent Support Programme (TSP) :

Talent Support stipend scholarship is a novel initiative of the Government of West Bengal for encouraging Minority students securing less than 50% marks in last board/academic examination to continue their studies.

Updtae : WBMDFC Talent Support Programme TSP Post Matric Stipend 2018-19 West Bengal : www.scholarships.net.in/25758.html

Economic weakness must not come in the way of any Minority student in continuing his/her academic pursuit. WBMD&FC aims at bridging the economic gap.

Eligibility :
1. This scheme of the Govt. of W.B. is open for the students belonging to minority communities (Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Sikh, Parsi & Jain).
2. The above stipend under the Talent Support Programme is to be awarded to the above minority students to enable them to study from class XI upto PhD.

3. This Stipend is to be awarded to the students who are residents of West Bengal and have passed their last final examination with less than 50% Marks in the last Board / University Examination [STUDENTS SECURING MORE THAN 50% MARKS IN LAST EXAMINATION ARE NOT ELIGIBLE].

4. The annual family Income of Parents / Guardian should not exceed 2 (two) lakhs.
5. The stipend is awarded one time in a year.
6. The online application form will be available from tsp.wbmdfc.co.in.

7. Students pursuing regular courses of study only are eligible for this scholarship .[STUDENTS OF DISTANCE LEARNING MODE ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THIS SCHOLARSHIP].

8.Maximun 2(Two) students may apply from a family.

9. The students obtaining benefit under this scheme shall not be allowed to avail any other benefits under any other scholarship scheme . [IF A STUDENT IS IDENTIFIED TO HAVE APPLIED FOR MORE SCHOLARSHIP THAN ONE, ALL APPLICATIONS WILL LIABLE TO BE REJECTED ].

10. Applicants are advised to open Bank Account preferably in a Nationalised or scheduled Bank having IFS Code as the scholarship amount would be disbursed through Direct Benefit Transfer(DBT) mode only.

11.Students must download the filled in online application and take a print out thereof. The same should be submitted to his/her Institution along with Annual Income certificate, Page of passbook indicating name, account number, IFSC. Income certificate may be issued by Pradhan/ Ward councilor/ Gazette officer/ MlA/ MP.

Important Dates :
Online Application for TSP Start Date is 01-12-2016
Online Application for TSP: Closing Date is 31-01-2017

** Who are eligible to apply for Talent Support Stipend Scholarship ?
Students must be resident of West Bengal and must have secured less than 50% of marks and must have qualified in the previous exam.This application s is for the Minorities students only(i.e Sikh,Christian,Buddhist,Muslim,Jain,Parsee).

** What is the last date for submitting applications online?
 Closure dates for acceptance of application will be available in the scholarship website (tsp.wbmdfc.co.in).

** How can I apply online for scholarship?
In order to apply online, please visit the website through URL tsp.wbmdfc.co.in

** How to submit the online application? Should I need the user id and password to apply for scholarship?
Applying procedures for Scholarship Schemes for both Fresh and Renewal are given below: Fresh: 1st step – Student have to go with the option Student Registration, on the home page of Talent Support Scholarship Portal.

Fill up the application as per the instructions given by the system and create username and password then click on save/submit button.

After that with the created username and password students have to again login using student login Once registration is completed on click of submit button, a Permanent Registration ID is generated which can be used for Renewal and tracking the status of application .

** Can I edit the information already saved and up-to what time?
All the information can be edited till the final submission of application form. After final submission, your application will be forwarded to the next level and application thereafter cannot be edited.

** How should I open my candidate login application for editing?
Use User name and password for editing the application but before final submission and before generation of permanent Id.

** Which fields in the application form are mandatory?
 Fields provided with red asterisk (*) mark are mandatory fields.

** What happens, if I detect mistakes after forwarding the applications to the next level?
 You should separately inform the mistakes detected by you to the Institute/District/Region/State. The software provides facility at the level of the Institute & State to edit & correct limited information.

** Do I have to fill up the online application in one sitting?
Not necessarily. You can fill up the online application in as many sittings as you wish, until you are satisfied that you have entered all desirable fields correctly. The software provides facility to save your application at every stage.

** Is there any permanent ID?
Yes. A permanent ID (PID) will be provided to the candidate while his/her complete final submission of the online applicationÂ

** Can I apply as a Fresh if I am a Renewal candidate?
No, you cannot apply as a fresh if you are a Renewal candidate. Your application will be rejected in that case. However , for the year 2016 all students are required to apply as Fresh candidate only.

** What should I do, if I do not find my institute name in the drop-down menu?
In case an Institution is not figuring in the online list of the scholarship portal there is an option for it to register online. The institution is required to maintain the following
syntax/path :- (tsp.wbmdfc.co.in—–>INSTITUTION REGISTRATION—–ïƒ INSTITUTION LOGIN)
Note: Institute can login only after approval from the WBMDFC authority.

** How to check the status of my application?
Student can check the status of Online Application by submitting his/her Permanent id.

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