CEPT University UG Students Means Scholarship 2016-17

Organization : CEPT University
Scholarship Name : UG Students Means Scholarship 2016-17
Applicable For :1st year UG students
Application Last Date : 30 September 2016

Website : http://cept.ac.in/student-services/student-financial-aid
Notification:   https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/10687-UG.pdf
Application Formhttps://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/10687-Means.pdf

CEPT Means Scholarship:

This is a means based scholarship available to eligible students for the full duration of the program subject to successful completion of each semester’s full course work in first attempt.

Update : CEPT University Female Student UG Means Based Scholarship 2018-19 : www.scholarships.net.in/29482.html

Students with family income less than Rs. 10 lacs per annum are eligible to apply. This is a revised version of the existing scholarship and is open only to 1st year UG students in the B.Arch., B.I.D., B.C.T., and the B.U.D. programs admitted in 2016-17.

Annual Family Income-Eligible Scholarship Amount:
** Less than or equal to Rs. 3.5 lacs-90% of fees paid
** Greater than Rs. 3.5 lacs and less than or equal to Rs. 5 lacs-70% of fees paid
** Greater than Rs. 5 lacs and less than or equal to Rs. 7.5 lacs-50% of fees paid
** Greater than Rs. 7.5 lacs and less than or equal to Rs. 10 lacs-30% of fees paid

1. All eligible applicants will be placed on a priority list in an ascending order of family income (lowest income first).
2. In case of more than one student having the same income level, their rank in the admission merit list will be used as 1st tie breaker and their percentage score in qualifying board exam will be used as 2nd tie breaker.
3. First person on the priority list will be offered scholarship in the first slab; then the second person and so on, until the number of scholarships in that slab are exhausted. The next person on the priority list will be offered scholarship in the next available slab, and so on, until all slabs / scholarships are exhausted.
4. If any scholarship budget is left over, it will be utilized either in the same year for other student scholarship or will be carried over as emergency scholarship fund, as decided by the scholarship committee.

Renewal of scholarship each year is subject to students completing full course-work (min 19 credits per semester) of past 2 semesters in first attempt.

Suspension / Withdrawal:
1. Failure to complete full coursework in past 2 semesters will lead to non-renewal of scholarship.
2. The scholarship will be withdrawn in case a serious disciplinary or plagiarism charge is proved against the beneficiary student.

How to apply:
Visit the financial aid page on the University website. Forms will be available with SSO from 15.9.2016.

Documents Required:
1. Copy of Income –tax return F Y 2015-16 A.Y. 2016-17 should be submitted.
2. Copy of Bank statement of F Y 2015-16 (salary or business account) should be submitted
3. Income declaration by parents/guardians, stating definite income from all sources by way of an affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper is required.(as per given format).
4. Copy of Bank passbook or blank crossed cheque of the bank (Account must be in the name of the student applying for grant)
5. Photocopy of CEPT Fee Receipts – Monsoon 2016 (student copy)
6. Any other documentary proof, as asked by the award committee should be submitted.

1. Refer the Announcement Notice to check the category of Scholarship and to assess your eligibility
2. Bank Account must be in the name of the student applying for scholarship
3. Applications to be submitted to Hansa Gohel, Admin Office between 3 pm to 5 pm

Last date for submission: 30 September 2016, 5 p.m.

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